Chapter 28

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(WARNING! Mature content ahead!)

You kissed him, arms wrapping around his neck. His went to your waist. It lasted for a long time. You both enjoyed it. Then, he took one of your arms away from his neck. You both didn't break the kiss as your hands went white. Markus connected with you. You could feel his emotions now too. You loved it. It was an experience to say the least. You held him even tighter. You both held each other close, sucking in every bit of emotion you could. You felt your blood run just a little faster through your body. 

Suddenly, he pulled away. You looked into his eyes, searching them for a reason why he'd stopped. He cupped your cheek, and you leaned into his touch, closing your eyes. You felt so much love for him in that moment. You remembered every moment with him. You cherished them all. Every second you spent with him was worth it. The sun cast it's fading light over both of you. You felt it's warmth was over you. Everything was so perfect. Perfect for what exactly? Perfect for whatever you wanted. 

In a few seconds, you knew what you wanted. You wondered if he wanted to same thing. You wondered if it was too much. Were you even ready for something like that? Was he ready? There was only one way to be sure, but you stopped yourself. You were too terrified of a negative answer to ask him. You just stayed like that, hoping he wouldn't notice your change in attitude.

Then, the most unexpected thing happened. He leaned in next to your ear. You felt his breath brush past it. 

"I can feel it too, love. It's up to you. Just say the word and this can go whatever way you please." He whispered, his voice husky. You shivered in excitement. You took a second to think about it. Where you really going to do this? Was it really a good idea? Those questions were answered quickly. You smiled a little. You whispered back to him.

"I'm yours, Markus~" It was all he needed. You knew what you had done. You were ready for it. He started out slow, kissing you again. He licked your bottom lip, asking for permission. You gladly granted it. Your tongues tangled together. You moaned into the kiss, tasting and memorizing him. You felt your body heat up a little. This's good. You thought. 

He pulled away from the kiss, leaving you panting with a smile on your lips. He went to your neck. He began kissing and sucking on the soft skin exposed just for him. You moaned when he hit your sweet spot. He went back to the spot, and toyed with it. You kept moaning, pleased by his actions. 

"I'm going to learn everything about you, (Y/n)." He mumbled against your neck. You smiled.

"Be my guest, Marky~" You replied. He smirked a little and kept going. You moaned as he continued. Your face flushed blue. His was beginning to. Your body heated up even further. You urged for more. He seemed to sense this. He grabbed you and pulled you to your feet. He made out with you furiously, pushing you against the nearest wall. Your arms wrapped around him as you both kissed passionately. 

He pulled away, his eyes staring at you with nothing but pure lust. You smiled back at his as he smirked. You let him take off your shirt and his eyes widened a little at the sight. You blushed further. He chuckled at your shyness.

"I always knew you'd be beautiful." He said and began kissing your chest, making you moan and gasp in delight. You felt him reach behind you and unclip the bra your were wearing. Before he could continue, you stopped him. He looked up at you questioningly. 

"You're still wearing too much, chief." You purred. He smiled. His shirt was abandoned and your hands ran up his bare chest, making him groan slightly in response. He began to kiss your chest again. His soft pecks trailed down to your breasts. You moaned a little louder. His tongue swirled around the little bud while his thumb and hand treated the other. You kept moaning, loving the electricity sparking through your body.

"Do it?" He asked, unsure if he was doing alright. You smiled at him.

"Yes~" You purred in reply. He looked slightly relieved and kept going. His kissed trailed down your body and a messy line. When he reached to rim of your pants, he stood up tall again. He looked you in the eye.

"May I...?" You smiled and nodded. He pulled them off of you, leaving you fully undressed. He took in the sight before kissing you strongly again. He broke it for a short moment and said, "Jump." You obeyed. His hands slipped under your thighs, holding you up. Your legs wrapped around his waist. You felt his bulge through his pants as it pressed up against your heat. You moaned into the kiss. You grinded your hips into his, causing him to groan in pleasure. You were dripping in anticipation. Markus could feel it. You pulled away.

"Markus...please..."You said, your eyes begging. He chuckled.

"Eager now?" He teased. You gave him an impatient and slightly upset look. He set you down and took off the last pieces of clothing he had on. Your eyes widened when you saw his hard member. Is that going to fit in me? You wondered, blushing harder at the thought. He chuckled. "Relax, baby." He said. You looked at him. He picked you up again. Your back pressed against the wall and you felt slightly nervous. He aligned himself with your entrance. You looked at him, feeling slightly scared.

"M-Markus..." His eyes met yours. "I-I..." He seemed to understand. He kissed the bridge of your nose. 

"It's okay. I won't hurt you. I promise." He said. You relaxed a little. "Hold onto me." He instructed. You did, your arms wrapping around him once again. He glanced down for a short moment before looking at you again. "Ready?" You nodded. He slid into you, carefully keeping track of how you reacted. You gasped and held on tighter. It hurt for a minute. Markus was careful not to go to fast. He let you adjust to him for a long as you needed. It was only a moment later the pleasure hit you. You nodded to him and he began to thrust in and out of you. He started out slow, trying to be as careful as he could. For now, it was fine. You moaned and he groaned slightly.

"M-Markus~" You moaned, leaning your head back. You felt it take over you. "M-Markus...ah~! S-shit, m-more!" You moaned out. He went faster. You moaned louder, loving it. His grip on you tightened. He groaned as he kept thrusting into you. 

"(Y-Y/n)...ngh~" You pulled him closer.

"F-faster Markus~" You moaned out louder. He obeyed. You both moaned louder. Soon, his thrusts started getting harder. You gasped as he picked up the pace.

"(Y-Y/n)...I...fuck~!" Using the little strength you had, you rocked you hips with his, sending him deeper. You cried out as he did. 

"M-Markus~!! Oh!" You felt your body tightening. You knew what it meant. You held onto him tighter. "F-fuck~!! Markus!! I-I'm g-gonna-ah~!!" You cried out, unable to finish your sentence.

"M-me...too~!!" His thrusts became sloppy and you felt yourself breaking. 

"M-Markus!" You came, screaming in pleasure. "MARKUS~!!" You felt him go faster until finally he reached his own climax. He moaned your name as he finished inside of you. You had known Cyberlife had given you the ability to be intimate, but you hadn't known how far they had gone. Apparently, they had done the same with him. You pushed the questions aside, assuming all basic android models had those details. It made sense if you thought about it. Humans had....many ideas. Not that you were complaining any longer. You both shared another kiss, connecting with each other again. The experience flashed through your mind again, this time showing you what it was like through his eyes. You smiled into the kiss. It broke soon enough.

"I love you so much, (Y/n)." He said.

"I love you too."

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