Chapter 47

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As you both returned to your people, Markus prepared to tell them what Perkins had said. Arrow bounded over to you and he instantly knew something was wrong. You saw his tail fall and his ears go back as he understood. You knew he still had a chance to get away.

"Arrow. You need to go. You need to get back to Sunny and Neo. They need you, okay?" You said. He barked defiantly. 

"Arrow goes nowhere!" He told you. You hugged him.

"You're a brave wolf." You said. "You're a good wolf, Arrow." His tail wagged slightly and he licked your cheek. You smiled at him. You went back over to Markus. 

"What happened, Markus? What did he say?" North asked. Markus stood on top of a crate, gathering everyone's attention.

"The humans are about to launch an attack. And we will show them that we are not afraid. If we must die today, then we will die free." He said. You smiled, but that moment was very short lived. A grenade landed and exploded, knocking Markus to the ground and making everyone scatter inside the fort. You ran to Markus.

"Markus!! MARKUS!! GET UP!!" You screamed. He looked dazed, but he was alright at least. He got up. 

"(Y/n) are you okay?!"

"Yes! We have to help the others!" You yelled. He nodded. You both split up, saving people and protecting them from the soldiers. Just then a bomb went off. You shrieked. You fell to the ground. Your ears were ringing from the explosion. You wobbled as you got back onto your feet. You saw androids scrambling to get away from the soldiers. There was no way out. You had to help as many people as you could. You quickly helped people to safety. Arrow suddenly charged a soldier, barking at him. He stood his ground, growling. He aimed his gun at him. You ran in to help the brave wolf. You knocked the soldier over before he could shoot him. You grabbed his gun and aimed it at him.

"Leave before I change my mind about sparing you!" You snapped. He raised his hands in surrender and hurried back over the wall. You and Arrow protected the others and he went around snatching guns away from the soldiers. He was strong enough to break the guns in half. You were proud of him, but you couldn't focus on him at the moment. You heard a shriek. You turned and saw Simon had been pinned. You ran over and kicked the soldier off of him. You grabbed his and and glared at him.

"Move it! Now!" You growled. He quickly scrambled away. You all did everything you could, but you were surrounded. You all stood together. This is it. You thought. It's either time to die, or time to win. You held someone hold your hand. You turned, spotting Markus there. You smiled at him sadly. He pulled you closer to him. Your hands went white again and he kissed you. You felt a tear roll down your face.

"I love you, (Y/n)." You heard his voice in your head. You kissed back harder.

"I love you too, Markus." You told him. You both broke away from the kiss, your eyes meeting for what you thought was the final time. You looked back at the soldiers. Some of the soldiers had lowered their guns, but the other still looked ready to attack. Suddenly, they retreated. You were shocked. What? You thought. They hurried away and you smiled, overwhelmed with joy. We did it! We actually did it! You thought. You hugged Markus happily as victorious cheers burst out among you all. He laughed breathlessly.

"We won." He whispered.

"I knew we could." You replied. You let go and then, you spotted him. Your heart lifted further as you saw him leading androids toward you all. You quickly jumped over the barricade and hurried to meet him.

"CONNOR!" You shouted and took off. You ran toward him and he spotted you.

"(Y/n)!" He ran up to you and you both crash together in a huge hug. You smiled at him.

"Connor...we did it!" You said. He smiled.

"We did." He agreed. You smiled happily at him. "I knew you could pull through." He said.

"I could say the same to you." You replied. You both chuckled, happy that you both had made it out alive. 

"I hope this doesn't upset Markus, but I love you, big sister." He said. You felt your heart swell with joy.

"I love you too, Connor." You said, giggling happily. Markus walked up to you both.

"You did it Markus." Connor said.

"We did it." He countered. "This is a great day for our people. Humans will have no choice now. They'll have to listen to us." You walked up to him and hugged him again.

"We're free." You said. "I bet a speech is in order." You teased. He chuckled and nodded. You walked up with Markus, but you stood back next to the others as Markus spoke to everyone. 

"Today our people finally emerged from a long night. From the very first day of our existence, we have kept our pain to ourselves. We suffered in silence. But now the time has come for us to raise our heads up, and tell humans who we really are." You had been listening, but then you noticed something. Connor seemed...different. You noticed him reach behind himself and grab a gun. You were about to speak up, but then you understood. Cyberlife is controlling him! You looked at Markus and then Connor again, fearful now. No. NO! HE'LL KILL HIM!! You realized. Cyberlife took aim at Markus. There was no time to think of a better solution. You burst forward and leaped in front of Connor. A loud bang was heard. You heard androids in the crowd gasp in horror. You felt frozen for a moment. North, Simon, and Josh stared at you in horror and Markus turned to see what had happened. Connor suddenly dropped the gun, looking more scared than he had ever been.

"O-oh my god...w-what have I done!?" You fell back and Markus caught you. 

"(Y/n)!! No, no, no! (Y/n) stay with me! It's gonna be okay, love. Just like I promised." He said. You could feel yourself falling away. You tried to focus on him, but it was no use. 

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" You heard North's outraged shout.

"I-I couldn't control myself! I swear! I would never-"

"N-North..." You forced your voice to work. "b-believe him. I-I s-saw it in his eyes. C-Connor didn't do this...Cyberlife did." You breathed. Each word was agony. Markus cupped your cheek, tears in his eyes. 

"(Y-Y/n) don't waste your energy. Y-you gotta hold on, beautiful. I-it's gonna be okay." He told you. You gave him a weak smile. 

"I-I'm s-sorry, Markus... I couldn't think of anything else..." You breathed.

"That doesn't matter. Y-you're gonna be fine, I promise." He said, starting to cry. You both knew that you were shutting down. You held his hand, your skin going white one last time. 

"I-I love you." You choked out, your blood seeping through your clothes and dripping onto the ground. Connor was next to you now too.

"(Y-Y/n)...p-please...forgive me..." He begged. You smiled at him.

"I already did, Connor." You told him. "Just...promise you won't forget me." You chuckled lightly. He didn't want to believe what was happening. Neither of them did.

"Don't say that!" Markus said. You used every bit of strength you had. You leaned in to kiss him one last time. He was too shocked to kiss back. 

"I love you..." Your eyes closed. You couldn't keep them open any longer. You heard Markus' voice sing to you as you began to fade away. 

"Hold on just a little while longer. Hold on just a little while longer. Hold on just a little while longer. Everything will be alright. Everything will be alright."

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