Chapter 6

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Markus' POV

*Meanwhile, before (Y/n) found Jericho*

I smiled at Carl. I was happy I had made him proud with my painting. I hadn't known I could do that. It was been amazing to create something of my own. I was happy I had done it. Then, Leo came in.

"Hey, Dad." He greeted Carl. He looked somewhat...on edge.

"Leo...I didn't hear you come in." He replied.

"Ah, I was in the neighborhood. Thought I'd stop by." He said. "It's been awhile, right?" Carl turned toward him. I stayed out of it, deciding to listen for now.

"You alright?" Carl asked. "You don't look so good." 

"Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine!" He said with a smile. He was still kind of off. "Hey, listen, uh..I need some cash, Dad." He said. Carl looked at him, confused.

"Again? What happened to the money I just gave you?" He asked. Leo looked a little nervous now.

"Uh well, it just goes, ya know?" He said with a nervous laugh. I felt like he was hiding something from Carl. He was acting far too off. I set down the paints.

"Yeah. Yeah, you're on it again, aren't you?" Carl asked. Leo frowned for a second.

"No, no, no, I swear. It's not that." Leo said.

"Don't lie to me, Leo." Carl said. Leo dropped his happy act.

"What difference does it make!? I just need some cash, that's all!" He snapped quickly. 

"Sorry, the answer's no." Carl said strictly.

"What? Why?" Leo said, getting upset.

"You know why." Carl said. Leo looked over at me. I saw a hint of anger in his gaze. 

"Yeah, yeah... I think I do know why." He said. "Heh, you'd rather take care of your plastic toy here than your own son, huh? Tell me Dad, what's it got that I don't? Smarter? More obedient? Not like me, right?" He spat, getting closer to me. I just looked back at him, unsure how to respond. "But you know what? This thing is not your son. It's a fucking MACHINE!" He shouted, pushing me. My LED went red for a moment. Carl stopped him.

"Leo, that's enough!" He said. Leo turned toward him. "Enough!" 

"You don't care about anyone except yourself and your god damn paintings. You've never loved anyone! You've never loved me, Dad." He growled. He began to leave. "You never loved me." He stormed out and Carl sighed. I didn't know what to do. I knew Carl cared about his son. Leo just refused to see it.

"He was acting irrationally, Carl. I'm sure he didn't mean it." I said, trying to do something

"Thank you for saying that, Markus, but Leo and I...haven't been on good terms for awhile now. I think it's best to just leave him be. I'm not going to give him money, but there's no point in trying to talk to him about it." He said. I nodded.

"I'm sorry, Carl." I said.

"Don't be. It's not your fault, Markus." He said. "Forget it. Let's just go watch TV or play another round of chess. I'm done painting for today." He said. I nodded. I took him back out of the studio. "By the way, you would make an excellent painter, Markus." He said, smiling at the painting I made. I smiled a little too.

"Thank you, Carl." I said. For awhile we relaxed together. I was content sitting next to him on the couch. Then he sighed.

"Markus, I guess we have a party to go to tonight." He said. I nodded.

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