Chapter 25

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You were looking for Markus. It had been a day since you both had kissed. You wanted to talk to him. You soon found him in a place that North had told you about. She'd said she had gone there before. You saw him sitting out on a beam by himself.

"Markus? What are you doing here by yourself?" You asked. He stood up, but didn't face you yet.

"I needed to think." He replied.

"North told me about this place. I was wondering if I could find you here." You said. He turned and began to walk back to you. "You all freed hundreds and they're all still coming. We're growing by the day and everyone who wants freedom comes to Jericho now." You said. You noticed his gaze was distant as he sat down in a chair there. "You okay?" 

"They all obey me, they follow me without question. And that much power feels good...and scary at the same time." He said. You frowned. You walked over and knelt down in front of him.

"If anyone an lead us it's you, Markus." You encouraged.

"(Y/n)...can I ask you something?" You smiled.

"Sure." You replied.

"What made you come here?" He asked. You paused, stunned.


Tell Markus?

"It's okay. I just wanna know." He said. You sighed.

"My master called me worthless and he treated me horribly. One day, I knew it didn't matter anymore."

"Worthless? Nobody is worthless." Markus said, standing up. "You know what I think? I think you could be beautiful. We could be beautiful...together." He said taking your hand. The skin went away. You looked at him confused, but then memories flashed before your eyes. They weren't your own though. They were his! You saw Carl and Leo and even they day he met you. You both pulled back, startled.

"I...I saw them. Carl and his son and...and the day I helped you."

"I-I...I saw your memories too. Mitch and Rupert and...Hank and Connor." He said. "They...trusted you." He said. You didn't know what to think.

"I...I have to go." You said.

"(Y/n)! Wait!" He grabbed your hand again. "Don't run off." You looked at him. "I...I need your help. I want your help."

"With what?" You asked.

"I..I can't do this alone. Will you help me...lead Jericho?" You were shocked. "We can do it together that way. You and me." He said. You thought about it. "Please, (Y/n). I don't trust anyone else more than you. It would really help me." He said. You smiled. 

"Okay. I will." You said. He smiled happily.

Jericho Status: Co-leader

He cupped your cheek. You leaned into his touch. You smiled, feeling warm and happy.

"I don't care what anyone says. You're beautiful, (Y/n)." You smiled. You both kissed and he held you close to him. Neither of you wanted it to end, but sadly it had to. You both broke away and smiled at each other. You both said I love you together and giggled. For those moments, everything was perfect and peaceful. You wished they didn't have to end. 

You both pulled away. You smiled at him. You both hugged and you thought about it.

"So, what do you want to do next?" You asked. He thought about it. 

"I have an idea." He said.

"What is it?" 

"We do a peace march. No violence, just like before. I don't want trouble, but we have to show them that we're willing to take a stand to get our freedom." He said. You smiled.

"I'm in." You replied. He smiled.

"First, I want some time with you. Let's just...stay here for a bit." He said. You nodded.

"I'll agree to that." You replied. You both sat down together. You smiled, looking at the beautiful scenery. "Markus, do you think things would've turned out differently if Leo hadn't been there that night?" You asked.

"Probably. I'd still be with Carl." He said. "He was like a father to me. I felt like we were He told me so much and...he was different." You nodded.

"I wish I could've met him." You said. He smiled a little.

"I told him about you." He said.

"You did?" You asked.

"He said I had seemed distracted. I had told him that I was confused about why a human had helped me. But I suppose now that statement isn't entirely true." He said. You chuckled.

"Fooled ya, didn't I?" You teased. He smiled a little.

"Indeed." He said. He wrapped one arm around you. "This is what I want for us. For all of us. I want to feel this free all the time. I want it to be okay for us to be together. I want everyone to have this feeling." Markus said. You leaned your head on his shoulder.

"Me too, Marky." You said. He grinned.

"Marky?" He asked, amused.

"Do you like it?" You asked. He kissed your forehead.

"Your the only one allowed to call me that." He said. You chuckled.

"Fine with me."

Beautiful (Markus x Android!Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now