Chapter 46

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*Meanwhile, at the android camp*

You were all still building up the mini fort to help protect yourselves. Arrow was still keeping a hard watch on the soldiers. You were relieved nothing had happened yet. Soon enough, you had built the fort to the best of your abilities. You whistled.

"Arrow! Come!" You called. He turned and he quickly bounded back to the fort and leaped over the wall. You pet his head as he padded up to you. "Good boy." You told him. His tail wagged slightly and you smiled. You turned to Markus.

"We've gotta finish the barricade. Come on, help me." He said. You nodded and followed after him. You both walked toward a bench and you helped Markus set it up as the others grabbed the last few things you needed. "That should do it." You nodded. Josh spoke to you both.

"I know it was not an easy decision to make, but I'm sure we're doing the right thing." He said. You smiled.

"Me too." You agreed. Markus nodded. You both then hurried back inside the barricade. You and Markus checked on your people and Markus checked the soldiers positions while you set up stuff to show the journalists what you all were planning. You then walked back over to Markus and Josh.

"They won't stop there. What are we gonna do if they attack?" Josh asked.

"Resist. That's the only thing we can do." Markus replied.

"We just have to hold out." You agreed.

"Do you think Connor has any chance of making it?" Josh asked.

"I trust Connor. He's family to me. If he doesn't I know he'll have given it his best, but I believe in him." You said. Markus nodded.

"I believe in him as well, but we can only count on ourselves right now." He said.

"Fair enough." You agreed. You both walked toward North.

"This won't hold them for long, but...I guess it's better than nothing." She said. 

"I lost all contact with the people at the camps. I can't hear the voices anymore." Markus said.

"Neither can I." You admitted. 

"Maybe the humans have scrambled our network. Maybe they just can't get through." North said.

"For their sake and ours...I hope so." You said. Markus looked troubled.

"There's no other way out. They are going to kill us. The only hope we have left is that we don't die for nothing." He said.

"You're the hope of our people. I trust you. We all trust you." North said. "No matter what happens now we're making history." You nodded.

"North is right. Even if we die tonight, nobody can erase what we've done. And personally, I'm sure that there's still hope for us. I can feel it." You said. Markus walked over to you and you both held hands again, connecting with each other once more. You smiled at him and you saw a tiny smile tug at his lips too. You both let go and Markus walked away to think. You turned to North.

"(Y/n)...I want you to know that...if I don't make it out of here alive...I'm glad Markus has somebody like you. He deserves somebody like you. You've...always seen eye to eye with him. You two really have something special. And if...anything happens to you tonight instead of me, I promise I'll do my best to be his friend and take care of him." North said. You smiled.

"I can say the same to you North. As much as we don't agree on our courses of action, you're still my friend. I'm glad I can fight alongside you, North." You said, holding out your hand for her. She smiled a little. She hugged you.

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