Chapter 59

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You kept running and running blindly. You had to get away. Far away. Sobs wracked your body and the tears blurred your vision. You didn't care. You just kept running. Soon, you were far away, outside the city. You ran into the woods and once you could no longer look back and see the city, you slowed down. You kept walking, your face stained with drying tears along with fresh ones that kept streaming down your cheeks.

You walked along, not caring where you were taking yourself. It didn't matter anyway. You soon felt your energy draining out of your body. The stress effecting your systems finally began to take it's tole on you. You collapsed against a random nearby tree. You sat there, looking up at the stars. You remember something someone had told you once. "And I promise, if we're going to die, I'm going to keep you in my arms as it happens." You couldn't remember who had told you that. You cried harder. 

"W-why does it hurt so much? S-somebody...anybody...j-just make the pain stop. I just want all of this to stop." You cried to yourself. "I feel so lost. I'm so alone. me......" You cried.

You sat there, alone and more distraught than ever. You didn't know what to do. You felt so horrible. Who am I? You wondered sadly. Then, it began to snow. You new you should have tried to find better shelter. But what's the point? You asked yourself. You didn't care about the snow. You didn't care about anything anymore. Nothing matters anymore. You debated on shutting yourself down. You didn't know if you liked that idea. You decided to sleep on it. With that, you drifted off into your sleep mode as the snow peacefully fell around you.

Markus' POV

Arrow and Sunny had lost her trail. The snow was messing with their scent tracking systems. Neo was too young to be a proper tracker. It would be hard for him to endure the cold and stay focused on trying to find her. I called Connor and Hank, telling them what happened and that (Y/n) was missing. There was nothing either of them could do so late and Hank would get too cold to keep looking if he stayed out too long. We'd have to wait for it to warm up tomorrow before going to look for her, but by then, all traces she had left would be lost to the snow. There was little hope of finding her now. 

I walked into my room and collapsed onto my bed. Dried tear tracks still stained my face. I felt numb at first, not knowing how to feel anymore. Then, it hit me all over again. The grief, the fear, the guilt. It was all too much for me. What am I supposed to do? Somebody tel me what I'm supposed to do now. I don't know how I'm supposed to do this anymore. I laid there in my anguish. I couldn't help it anymore. I broke, crying and crying. My body shook with my violent sobs. I was so lost. I didn't know what to do. What could I do? I screwed everything up...again. How can I promise her anything when I can't even keep the promises I make for myself? It's hopeless... I'll never be good enough for her.

As I continued to cry to myself, I didn't notice that somebody had come into the room. I heard the familiar click of claws on wood as they came over to me. The bed sunk in and I looked up to see Sunny sitting there.

"What?" I asked. She nuzzled me comfortingly. I gently pushed her away. "You shouldn't waste your time on me, Sunny. I'm not worth it." I said.

"Yes you are, Markus." I looked at her. "Markus, who said life was ever going to be easy?" She asked. I wiped away my tears.

"No one." I answered.

"Exactly. You have to be strong enough to fight the hardships you face. Nothing is easy. Some things may be harder than others, but you have to keep going. Giving up never got anybody anywhere. How can you tell (Y/n) not to give up if you give up on yourself? How can you help her, if you tell yourself that you can't do it. You have to push on. I thought you had learned this by now." She told me. I thought about her words. She nuzzled me again. "Only you can save her, Markus. You just have to believe you can. You can't give up." She told me. With that, she hopped off the bed and left. I stared after her. I knew she was right.

"I promise I won't let you down, (Y/n). I know you're there. I can feel it. You just have to believe it yourself. I won't stop until your back. I promise. I'll never give up on you. Never."

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