Chapter 21

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You sat in the cell, alone. It was silent. You heard the lights power on. This place had two different basements. One was the evidence you. You were sure you would be going there soon. You soon heard the door open. You didn't move as someone came down. The cell door opened.

"Come on, you piece of plastic." You grew angry at the voice. You knew that voice. Gavin. He'd talk to you the first day. He had been rather perverted and you honestly hated how he treated Connor. He was definitely against androids. You decided to milk it, knowing he couldn't shoot you....yet.

"What? Not into me anymore hypocrite?" You said. He glared at you.

"You little bitch!" He slapped you. You didn't care. He grabbed you and took you away. You walked with him into and investigation room. You kept your eyes locked on the floor. You knew who was there. You didn't want to face them. You felt guilt at lying to Connor, but you weren't afraid. No matter what he does, it's still his choice. We can't force him into anything. You thought. Gavin locked you in. You glared at him. "By the way, you should really check who's around before you go giving all your secrets." He said with a grin. You were stunned, but you felt rage. It was YOU!!! You wanted to scream at him, but you held your tongue. Blowing up would end badly. He left and somebody else was sent in. The worst person they could've possibly sent. Connor.

He sat down. For a moment, there was deathly silence. Then he sighed.

"How did you trick my scanners?" He asked.

"You aren't the only prototype, Con." You said with an amused smile. He looked a little unsure of what to say to you.

"Why did you come looking for us?" He asked.

"It was for my friends. I didn't like lying, but I had no choice." You said.

"Who are your friends?" He asked.

"Afraid I can't say." You chuckled. He looked confused by your attitude.

"Why are you being...friendly?" He asked. You smiled at him softly.

" matter what you think of me now, I still consider you my family." He looked stunned. "Why do you think I wanted to join you to keep an eye out for my people instead of attack you and Hank? I didn't want to hurt anyone or damage you, Connor. I'm not that type of person. Well, I guess you would say machine." You said. He looked deep in thought for a moment. He looked you in the eye.

"I'm...sorry. I have to do this." You smiled a little more. 

"It's okay, Connor." You told him. His hand went white and he tried to prob you. You kept Jericho locked away. People could only prob you if you let them. Instead, you shared your memories with him. They flashed through both your minds. You shared the cruelty you had been given with Mitch. You shared the feeling of freedom you had when you got away and with Rupert. You shared the pain you felt during the chase. You also shared the feeling of adventure you'd had. You shared the happiness you had with your wolves. And you shared the feeling you always got around Markus. You saw how speechless he was when he pulled his hand away.

"Why can't I...?"

"Like I said, you aren't the only prototype. I might not be against you, Connor, but I can no longer help you." You said. "You have to chose who you are. I've made my choice. No matter what you have happen to me, you'll always be my family, Connor. I can't give you where they are, but I can give you everything I've ever felt. I just hoped that....maybe you'd understand." You told him. Hank came into the room. You smiled a little. "Is the old man gonna try now, or is it time I have lead in my head instead of an LED?" You asked jokingly, even though it was a serious question.

"Not this time. You're going back into the cell." He said. You were surprised.

"Wait what? You aren't gonna shoot me?" You asked. "Isn't that what is supposed to happen?" Suddenly, Gavin rushed into the room.

"Yeah! It is! What the fuck, Hank!? It's useless! Get rid of it!" Gavin shouted.

"Not useless! She's way to valuable. We might be able to find the deviants yet." Hank said. He took you away. "I never thought I'd have another son let alone an android son. And I never thought I'd get a daughter, period." Hank whispered as he led you away. You smiled a little.

"Thanks. I never thought I'd get a grumpy old father and a dorky brother either." You chuckled back.

"Kid....I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Don't be. It wasn't you." You said. He sighed.

"You didn't deserve any of this." He said. You shrugged.

"Shit happens." You said. "Just make sure they don't find my pet wolves, okay? Ask Connor if you want to know more." You said. He smiled a little. It was a sad smile, but it was a caring one. He locked you back and and he sighed.

"You're brave, (Y/n)...if that is your name."

"Yes, it is." You replied. He smiled.

"Well, (Y/n), I'm impressed. You got balls, kid." He said. You chuckled.

"So do you, old man." You teased. He smiled a little. Then he frowned.

"Bye (Y/n)." He said. You smiled at him.

"Bye...Dad." He looked shocked. You smiled at him one last time before turning away to sit in silence. He left without another word, probably unable to speak any further.

Hank Status: Greatest Father

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