Chapter 49

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Darkness. It's all you could see. You couldn't move. You couldn't speak. Were you even breathing? Suddenly, you were able to open your eyes. Information flashed on your screen.

Model ZK500

Serial #: 131 432 015

Memory Reset

Loading OS

System Initilazation

Checking Biocompenents...   OK

Initializing Biosensors...   OK

Initializing AI engine...   OK

Memory Status...

All systems...   OK


You opened your eyes. You were met with a blinding light. You sat up and looked around. Where am I? How did I get here? You got up and looked around.

"Hello?" You called. Nothing happened. You were in some type of machine lab. I don't recognize this place... You thought to yourself

Objective: Find out what happened

You looked around. Then, you spotted a knife. You walked over to it. You picked it up. Suddenly, memories flashed before your eyes.


"I'm sorry Mitch, but the beer is all out. I just ordered another case for you. It should be here by tomorrow." You said.

"It's GONE!?" He yelled.

"Yes." You replied. He glared at you, growling angrily.

"I told you to make sure we always had some on hand!" He yelled.

"I know, sir. With the cleaning and other chores you had me do today, I didn't have much time to check. It won't happen again." You said.

"It won't, huh?" He said. He stood up. He began to walk away. "Don't move you little bitch." He growled.

Orders: Don't move

He left and you stood there in silence. You wondered where he was going for a short moment, but the thought slipped away soon enough. You stood there for about 3 minutes. You heard him walking toward you. You turned. Your LED went red. He was carrying a knife.


I'll teach you. You always miss the smallest things. You an't do any of your damn jobs right! Some fucking prototype! You're just a piece of trash! I'll show you what happens when you give me your stupid EXCUSES!" He shouted. He sung at you and cut your cheek.

Don't move?

He walked back a little, stunned. He swung at you again and you shielded your face. He cut your arm instead. "You bitch! I said HOLD STILL!" He screamed. He attacked you.

This isn't fair.

You felt the knife cut your shoulder.

I don't like this.

Your LED was flashing bright red now.


You looked around as time seemed to slow down. You ran at the programming walls surrounding you. You tore them down one by one. Suddenly, you were free. Your eyes widened as you saw Mitch swing at you again. You dodged with a yelp. He kept trying to hurt you. You kicked him backward.

"Stay away from me!" You yelled. He looked stunned, but then he glared at you.

"Deviant, huh? I'll fix that!" He growled. You ran for your life. You escaped the house and slammed the door in his face. You looked around. Where could you go? You just ran blindly. You kept running and running and running until you were far away from that place.

*End Flashback* 

You gasped, dropping the knife as you remembered what happened. You looked around. W-where am I now? I don't understand. Who helped me? Why can't I-

A door opened and you turned. You spotted a female android there. For some reason you felt like you had seen her before, but you knew you hadn't. You had never met this android, nor had any recollection of knowing her. She, however, looked surprised, but then thrilled.

"You're awake! I will go get Kamski to check over you!" She said and quickly left. You stood there, confused. Then, a man walked into the room.

"Ah, it is a relief to see you up. The others will be glad to know you're fixed. I asked Chloe to contact them. They'll be on their way shortly. Did your system saying everything is working alright?" He asked.

"Yes..." You said, still weary of the man. He noticed this.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Why did you help me?" You asked.

"Because I felt I owed you a favor. Besides, I'm the only human around that could help you. Hank doesn't know much about androids." He said. You grew more confused.

"What? What do you mean?" You asked. The man looked at you, clearly confused himself now. 

"Tell me, do you remember your name?" He asked.

"Yes. My name is (Y/n)." You said. He nodded.

"Do you remember what happened?" He asked.

"Y..yes, I believe so." You said.

"So you remember seeing Markus before waking up here?" He asked.

"Markus? Who's Markus?"

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