Chapter 8

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You walked back down into the main area of the ship. Fires were lit now and everyone was just hanging around. You walked around, but then, you bumped into somebody.

"Oh, sorry." You said. You looked up and you were stunned. He looked stunned as well. 

"It's you." You both said at the same time. You brushed some stray hairs out of your face.

"Oh, um, yes. I suppose you didn't know I was an android, did you?" You said.

"No, I didn't." He replied. "I, um, I forgot to tell you my name. I'm Markus." He said.

"I'm (Y/n)." You replied. 

"Thank you for helping me, by the way. I wasn't able to express it correctly before." He said. You smiled.

"It was nothing. I was glad to help." You replied. "It's nice to meet you, Markus." He smiled.

"You too." He replied. "How long have you been here?"

"About half a day now." You said. He nodded.

"Do you like it here?"

"Not really. I want to help, but...I don't know how. I used up a lot of the remaining blood blue. I was...pretty drained when I got here." You replied.

"I'm sorry to hear that." He said.

"It's alright. I'm better now." You said. He nodded. 

"You said you wanted to help, right?" He asked.

"Yes. Why?" You asked in return.

"I have an idea." He said. "Come on, let's go talk to Simon." You nodded and followed him over to Simon. "Simon." He opened his eyes and looked at the both of you. "I know where we can find spare parts. The Cyberlife warehouses in Detroit Harbor, they have everything we need." 

"The docks are guarded. We can't just walk in there and take whatever we want. Humans won't let us." Simon said.

"Which is why we won't ask permission." Markus said. Josh came over.

"We don't have any weapons, and even if we did, none of us knows how to fight." He said.

"We can steal what we need without fighting." Markus said.

"We can't just sit here." You agreed.

"We'll just get ourselves killed!" Josh countered.

"Maybe, but it's better than waiting here to be shut down." Markus said.

"I'm with you." North said, coming over. You smiled.

"Maybe it's worth a try." Simon agreed. 

"You know I'm in, Markus." You said. You all turned to Josh. He nodded a little.

"Okay, I'm in." He said. You smiled.

"We can do this, Josh." You assured him. He smiled at you a little.

"If you guys really believe we can, then I'm with you." He replied.

"Any plans on what to do, Markus?" North asked.

"I don't know the warehouses, but I'm sure we can get in and get out without being spotted if we work together." He said. You nodded.

"If we all take our own handful, we'll have enough to help everyone for awhile at least." You said. Markus nodded.

"We'll go tonight, when it'll be harder for us to be spotted. Humans will be less active later in the evening. It should be easier to sneak in and out." Markus said. Simon nodded.

"Then it's settled. We gear up and head out in two hours." He said.

"We can only hope this works." Josh said.

"Agreed." North added. With that, you all split up. You stayed with Markus.

"Thanks for backing me up. You have two on me now." He said. You smiled.

"It'll be three if we pull this off." You teased. He smiled a little.

"We will pull this off. I know we can." He said. You nodded.

"I'm glad I got to meet you. I was wondering if you were still okay." You said.

"You were...thinking about me?" He asked. You blushed a little.

"Um...yeah. I were kind of easy to think of because of the protest. It's hard to forget something like that, ya know?" You said. He smiled a little and nodded. You got an idea. "Hey! I should show you around in the meantime! The sun hasn't set yet! Let's go!" You said. 

"Well, I- WHOA!" You grabbed his hand and yanked him along. He followed after you quickly. You rushed to the top of the boat.  "Ack! (Y/n)! Slow down! You're gonna rip my arm off!" He said. You stopped quickly, he wasn't prepared for it and you both crashed together. You collapsed in a tangled heap of legs and arms. You burst out laughing. Markus stared at you.

"Sorry Markus! I tend to get carried away." You said. You both untangled yourselves and you helped him up. He looked at you.

"That was rather unexpected." He said with a soft smile. You smiled back, fixing your hair a little. 

"Yeah. Sorry." You said. His gaze went past you. 

"Wow." He breathed. You turned. You smiled.

Beautiful right?" You asked, looking at the sunset. He nodded.

"Very. It's nice to know we have a great view at least." He said. You chuckled.

"It' of the only positive things we have here." You said. He frowned.

"Well, we can change that. You'll see. Things will get better. I knew they will." You smiled at him.

Markus Status: Friend

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