Chapter 64

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Zala's POV

Zora came back about 2 hours later. You had plenty of new parts I could use. We got to work. She helped me begin to rebuild myself. I began to look more normal. I changed my voice box and soon I was nearly perfect. The only part that we couldn't fix was my fangs. I used a bandanna to cover up my mouth for now. I cut my hair so it was all evened out. It was still pretty long. My eyes were now mismatched. One was a teal-ish blue and the other was a deep magenta color. My hair color was white and my skin was the same.

(I'm gonna try to get art out for her soon)

There was nothing I could do for Zora at the moment, but she didn't seem to mind. I think she actually liked some of her features. I pet her, smiling through the black bandanna. 

"Good wolf, Zora." I said. It felt so good not to stutter. No static, no glitches, no nothing! I looked over at (Y/n). I could see her a lot better now. My vision was perfect. It felt so much better. I felt like a new android. I loved it. I was finally normal. Well, mostly normal at least. 

As I looked at (Y/n), I began to frown. I felt like I should try to convince her to go back to him. I new she didn't see it, but I knew the look he had given her all too well. He loved her and nothing was going to change that. I understood her not wanting to cause him pain, but she didn't realize how much harder this was for him. I sighed. Zora talked to me.

"What's wrong Zala?" I looked at her.

"He loves her, but she doesn't remember it. I...I wish there was more I could do to help." I explained.

"I'm sure he'l be able to restore her memory. Remember Zlatko and Kara, Zala? She was able to remember Alice. I'm sure the memories are still there. Markus just has to find a way to reach them." She told me. I nodded.

"You're right." I said. She nuzzled me. I chuckled and pet her again. She really was a good wolf. I remembered the wolves Markus had with him. Maybe Zora would get along with them. If (Y/n) decided to go back, we'd return to the city with her. I...I needed to find my friend anyway. I missed him. I had gone across the city to find help like an android had told me, but I had met Zlatko instead. I hoped he was still in the same place. I hoped he hadn't gone crazy. I just had to find him. 

Zora noticed my distant look. She sat down beside me and wrapped her tail around me. I smiled sadly at her.

"You're thinking of Ralph again, aren't you?" She asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"I'm sure he's still alive, Zala. He'll be glad to see you. Once we return, I'll track him down. I know he's still out there. He's stronger than he looks." Zora told me. I smiled.

"I know...I just hope that he won't be mad at me. I want to help him. I remember that look he had when I said I was leaving to find help. I still remember how hard he had tried to make me stay."


"Zala must not go! You must s-stay with Ralph!" He said.

"Ralph, we have nothing here! You're becoming more unstable by the day! I'm going to get help!" I said.

"NO!" He screamed at me, looking even more hostile. "Zala...m-must stay. Ralph...doesn't want to be alone." He whimpered, looking scared. I frowned.

"Ralph, you know I'm trying to do what's best for you. Why don't you trust me?" I asked, cupping the non-damaged side of his face. He looked at me.

"You leave and...y-you'll be caught. T-they'll kill you. R-Ralph...can't lose you." I frowned. 

"Ralph, I will come back. I promise." I kissed him for a short moment. "Don't worry about me." I said softly. He smiled a little. 

"R-Ralph will always worry about you. Ralph's job is to worry about you. Ralph must keep you safe. Ralph...loves you." I smiled, my heart warming at his words. I honestly thought it was cute how he referred to himself in the third person. I didn't want that to change, but he was getting worse. Much longer and it would be risky for me to stay. I didn't want to hurt him, and I trusted him with my life, but I didn't trust what he was turning into. He was getting more dangerous and paranoid by the day. 

"You won't lose me, Ralph. Zala promises." I said with a slight hint of tease in my voice. He blushed a little.

"Zala...must come home to Ralph. Ralph won't leave home. That's Ralph's promise." He said. I smiled.

"Zala loves Ralph." I said. He smiled.

"Ralph loves Zala too." He replied. We kissed one last time and I pulled my hood up. I looked back at him. I saw sadness in his eyes, but I flashed him a reassuring smile. 

"I'll come back." I told him and headed out. 

*End flashback*

"I...I promised him." I said sadly. Zora nuzzled me. 

"You can still keep that promise. I'm sure of it. He'll forgive you. I know he will." Zora said. I smiled.

"I hope so. Besides, I bet he'll like you, Zora." Her tail wagged happily.

"Really?" She asked excitedly. I chuckled.

"I'm certain of it."

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