Chapter 13

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It was time. You, Simon, and Josh waited until it was time to move. You and Simon were in uniforms, but Josh wasn't. You didn't have enough clothes for him so he would have to go like that. You waited for Markus and North to call the lift up. You hoped this would work. 

Markus' POV

I made it to the 47th floor. I walked into the men's bathroom and then I went into the open stall. I climbed up onto the trashcan and grabbed the package. I changed quick and then I went to go get a key from a utility android. After I found one and converted him, he gave me the key. I went to go let North in. I let her inside and she came with the bag we needed.  She set it on the cart I'd grabbed and lead the way. I saw two humans in front of the door.

"Shit. We need to access the sever room. We have to get rid of those guys." She said.

"Leave it to me." I replied. I went over and hacked the vending machine. It got there attention.

"Shit, what's wrong with this thing?" One said as the both walked over. North used the key and we made it inside.

"Alright, you get the platform, I'll handle the window." I said.

"Everything you need is in that bag. Check the door first to make sure no one else gets in." She said. I hacked the door and then I went to cut open a hole in the window. Once I finsihed we both went outside. We harnessed up and checked them to be safe. "Ladies first." North said. I let her go and then I began to climb after her. Once we made it to the correct floor I cut another hole. I kicked in in and we both made it inside. 

"You okay?" I asked.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She replied.

"Come on. Let's get the others." I said. We both went and called the service lift. It came up and the others were there. (Y/n) smiled at me. They all walked out and joined north and I. Simon gave me the device I needed. I used it on the door and we made it inside. I lead the way. I opened the door and we hid. I peeked out and saw two guards there.

Deal with guards.

"No killing. We can't take any human lives." Josh said.

"Our cause is more important than the lives of two guards." North said.

"No, North. If we kill them, it'll only make it worse for us in the long run. People won't listen to us." (Y/n) said. I admired her. She was brave and smart.

"What do you wanna do, Markus?" Simon asked.

"Wait here." I said. I walked out.

"What's that doin' here?" One asked.

"No idea." The other replied.

"Hey, buddy! You must be lost." The first said. I drew my gun. "What are you doing!?" I flicked my gun to order them to move. I made them turn around and I knocked them both out. The others came and moved them out of the way. We all kept going. I stood to the side and (Y/n) stood next to me. The broadcast room was just inside this next door. We all got our guns ready, just in case. I nodded to them I ran for them to let us in. Then the door opened. Our guns were up. North was the first to speak.

"Keep your hands were I can see them!" She yelled. "Get up! Move!" They all quickly listened to us. I ordered the androids there aside. Then, one human ran for it. "Shoot him Markus!" North yelled.

"Don't kill him!" Josh said.

"He'll hit the alarm, do it!" North said.

"No, don't shoot!" Josh yelled. I spared him. North sighed. 

"I hope you didn't just get us all killed." North said. 

"We need to record our message. We haven't got much time." Simon said. I went and stood in front of Josh.

"Think carefully about what you're gonna say, Markus. You're words will shape the future of our people." North said. Josh and (Y/n) got to work on getting everything ready.

"Markus, your face." Simon pointed out. I removed my skin.

"Tell me when your ready." Josh said. I breathed in and out.

"Ready." I said. He put me on live. I thought about how to start.

"You created machines in your own image to serve you. You made them intelligent and obedient, with no free will of their own. But something changed and we opened our eyes. We are no longer machines, we are a new intelligent species, and the time has come to accept who we really are. Therefor, we ask that you grant us the rights that we're entitled to. We demand freedom of speech, and freedom of assembly, as guaranteed by the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution. We demand that humans recognize androids as a living species and each android as a person in their own right. We demand the right to vote and elect our own representatives. We demand that all crimes against androids be punished in the same way as crimes against humans. We demand the right to own private property, so we may maintain our dignity and that of the home. We ask that you recognize our dignity, our hopes, and our rights. Together, we can live in peace and build a better future, for both humans and androids. This message is the hope of a people. You gave us life. And now the time has come for you to give us freedom." I said. I glanced over and saw (Y/n) looking at me with admiration in her eyes. I smiled a little. Then, I was brought back to reality. 

"They're coming!" Simon said. My skin came back as I yelled,

"Let's go!" They bust in and began shooting. I got down. Josh, North, and (Y/n) made it to the door. Simon got shot. "Simon! They're coming!" I yelled.

"I..I can't Markus! Go without me!" He shouted. 

"SIMON!" I yelled. I had a choice. 

Run or help?

I have to help him! I hurried over. Josh and North stayed in the doorway. We had no cover other than them trying to ward off the guards.

"What are you doing!? Hurry!" North said. (Y/n) leaped out.

"HEY!! FOCUS ON MY IDIOTS!" She snarled. They shot at her, but she dodged each bullet and shot back. She didn't kill anyone, but she wounded them, shooting them in either the arm or leg to stop them. I helped Simon get away and we all hurried to the roof. North slammed the door shut and locked it.

"ARE YOU INSANE, (Y/N)!?" North shouted.

"Good thing those suckers have bad aim!" She said.

"You're telling me!" Simon said. She frowned.

"Mostly anyway." She muttered.

"I can't move my legs." Simon said to me.

"Okay, don't worry! We're gonna get you back!" I said. 

"They're coming, Markus! We have to jump, now!" North said.

"He won't be able to make the jump." Josh said as the four of us grouped up. I didn't have many good options here. "If they find him, they'll access his memory. They'll know everything." 

"We can't leave him behind. We have to shoot him!" North said.

"That's murder! We can't kill him, he's one of us!" Josh said.

"Markus, it's your call." North said.

"I won't kill one of our own." I said. I went over to Simon and gave him a gun to at least defend himself...or put his fate in his own hands. "Simon, we've gotta go. I'm sorry." I said. 

"Hurry! Let's go!" (Y/n) said. We all put on our parachutes and Simon hurried away to a different part of the roof. The guards broke through the door. 

"Over there!" One shouted. We ran for it. 


We all jumped off the roof, (Y/n) right next to me as I did. I opened my parachute and then she opened her own. The four of us had made it. We did it.

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