Chapter 54

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That night you slept on the couch while Markus took the new bed the others had helped him with. He had insisted you take the bed with him, but you had explained that it would be weird since you both were only friends. He had looked hurt when you said that, much to your confusion, but he had given in and simply told you a sad 'goodnight'. 

Your pets, Neo, Sunny, and Arrow, were sleeping in a dog bed in Markus' room. It was the best place to put the bed. You couldn't relax for some reason though. You sat up and sighed. You decided to go for a walk. You needed to think. You wrote a note for Markus if he were to wake up and find you gone. You placed it on the door so he would see it if he were to go looking. 

You left the house and began to walk through the snow dusted city. You thought about the memories you had obtained. They helped, but you still knew so little. You wanted to remember, but it was harder than it looked. 

You kicked a rock on the sidewalk as you kept going, head hanging low. You thought about the people Markus had told you about in hopes you would remember. North, Simon, and Josh all sounded familiar, but you couldn't remember anything about them. 

Soon, you came to a park. You sat down under a tree and you saw small puffs come off your nose from the artificial breath you had to make you more human like. You suddenly felt the weight of the loss hit you all at once. You knew nothing and you could tell you were hurting others because of it. You were overwhelmed with guilt. You began to cry, hugging your knees closer to you body. Your body shook with your sobs and shivers. You felt so awful. 

"W-why can't I remember?"

Markus' POV

I woke up, unable to keep my systems calm for long. I hadn't known it was possible for me to have sleep issues. Deviating made me more human like than I thought. I got up, deciding to check on (Y/n). I got there and found the couch empty. I was shocked.

"(Y/n)? (Y/n)!" I called out for her, hoping she was still in the house. I hurried toward the door and spotted a note. 

'Markus, I'm sorry if I scared you, but I needed to get out and think. I'll be home soon. Promise. From (Y/n).' I didn't care if said she was coming home. I didn't like the idea of her being out by herself this late. I grabbed my jacket, but as I was about to leave a heard a whine. I saw that Arrow had woken up. I decided he could help me. I nodded for him to come with and he padded after me. 

We both set out and I turned to Arrow. I sighed. 

"Arrow, find (Y/n)." I said. He barked, his breath forming a small cloud before bending down and sniffing the ground. He barked as he got the trail and began to track her down. I followed him for 5 miles until we came to a park. I saw her sitting under a tree in the moonlight. I knew something was wrong because of the position she was in. Her head was tilted forward, eyes locked on her feet, and knees pulled in close to her body. "Wait here, Arrow." I said. He sat down and I made my way over to her. "(Y/n)?" She gasped, looking up at me. I saw the tears that were frozen to her cheeks.

"M-Markus why are you here? I left a note-" I hugged her.

"What happened?" I asked. She tensed for a second, but then she cuddled into my arms. For a minute, it was like I had her back completely, but the moment faded away as she spoke again. 

"Markus....I don't understand. Everything seems so familiar, but I just can't remember. Why can't I remember? What's wrong with me?" She whimpered. I held her closer to me.

"(Y/n), listen to me. Nothing is wrong with you. We're going to fix this. I promise. It's gonna be okay. I'm going to help you remember, okay? I'm right here." I told her gently. She sniffed back her tears and buried her face deeper into my chest. The contact made my heart leap. I hoped I could get her back, even if she didn't remember. 

"Thank you, Markus." She whispered. I smiled.

"I will never leave you, (Y/n). I promise."

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