Chapter 20

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You sat in a secluded cell. It was dark and you were chained the the wall, on your knees. You hng you head, waiting. There was nothing else to do but wait....and think. You thought about Josh and North. You hoped they weren't still at each other's throats. You thought of Markus. You hoped he was doing okay with his new role as leader of Jericho. You wondered if any of them had heard yet. It had indeed been all over the news. You had no news of your wolves. You hoped they had gotten away. 

You thought about Hank. You knew it hadn't been him. You just knew it. If Connor had found out, maybe Cyberlife had as well. You trusted both of them, no matter what. You believed that you were right. You knew you were right. They were both good. You had no doubts. You thought of something. You felt it was time to use your last bit of hope for yourself. You began to sing.

"Scars, that's all I have. Pain, that's all I feel. People stop and stare, but they have no idea. And through these tears...and through this pain I will stand once again! Cause I may be homeless, but I'm not hopeless! Fatherless but fearless! I've got myself, I've got my freedom! But I'm searching for my home. Cause I am hurting but I'm not helpless! Full of strength and scars! I'm out here in the darkness looking for a light to call home. Looking for a light to call home." You sang, closing your eyes and feeling the strong will and glow in your heart grow. "Fear, that's all I own. Smiles don't come so easy. I'm out here all alone. You've got it good, believe me. Through these tears..and through this pain...I will stand once again! Cause I may be homeless, but I'm not hopeless! Fatherless but fearless! I've got myself, I've got my freedom! But I'm searching for my home. Cause I am hurting but I'm not helpless! Full of strength and scars! I'm out here in the darkness looking for a light to call home. Looking for a light to call home. Strong, that's what I am. Okay, that's what I will be. You might not understand, but I won't let that define me. Cause I may be homeless, but I'm not hopeless! Fatherless but fearless! I've got myself, I've got my freedom! But I'm searching for my home! Cause I am hurting but I'm not helpless! Full of strength and scars! I'm out here in the darkness looking for a light to call home. Looking for a light to call home. Looking for a light to call home." Tears rolled down your face. "Looking for a light to call home."

Third Person POV

She sang her heart out to herself, but little did she know, the world was listening. The android woman who had helped her get into the station had known that she had been caught. She had gone to see (Y/n) herself secretly late that night, but she had heard the singing and instantly hacked the security camera to record her. She got the footage and hurried to get it out into the world. She went to one of the computers and uploaded it for the world to see. 

Soon enough, a smile was on the android's face. It got a few views, and then the views started climbing in the hundreds. Hundreds turned into thousands. It 3 hours, they were reaching a million views. She quickly shut down the computer and hurried away to find sanctuary in Jericho. She had done her part, now it was up to (Y/n).

*Later in Jericho*

"Markus! You won't believe it!" Josh said.


"(Y/n)! She's on the news again! Quick! Come look!" Josh said with a smile. Markus hurried after him and saw the new news story.

"An android expresses herself in a cell and somehow the footage was put on Youtube! We have no idea who uploaded this video, but it went viral within ours of it's exposure. It shows what appears to be the android recently caught singing in it's cell. The song has gotten a lot of very positive comments and support for this android is coming in truckloads. Countless comments are asking and even pleading for this android's release. It seems the community has turned to helping androids like this this one. Could this be one of the most heartfelt messages of this century, given by an android in chains?"

Connor's POV

I was at Hank's. I felt...sad. (Y/n) was an android? Hank said he had been surprised too. I felt like he wasn't telling me everything, but I had checked. It wasn't a lie. I didn't know what to think of her anymore. She was a deviant. She probably knew the location of Jericho. I had to get it out of her.

Then, Hank got a call. He picked up his phone with a grumble. He was watching a game and eating dinner. His dinner was pizza. Sumo was on my lap, snoring slightly. He looked at the number and rolled his eyes.

"What is it Jeffery?" He grumbled. "The news? What about the news? It's all just about the android-....what?" He asked, sitting up. "Okay! Okay! I'm turning it on now!" He said. He grabbed the remote and flipped the station.

"...It shows what appears to be the android recently caught singing in it's cell. The song has gotten a lot of very positive comments and support for this android is coming in truckloads. Countless comments are asking and even pleading for this android's release. It seems the community has..." I tried to listen as Hank kept talking to Jeffery.

"Oh my god! Why didn't you call sooner!? This was seriously uploaded from the department!?" He said. I watched the video on the screen. I was stunned...but I felt something strong inside of me. I just...didn't know what it was.

*Software Instability ^^^*

"Could this be one of the most heartfelt messages of this century, given by an android in chains?" The women on the TV asked. I was stunned.

(Y/n) Status: Family

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