Chapter 29

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After you both caught your breath, you got dressed again and you both relaxed, watching the sun as it disappeared over the horizon. You smiled. You kissed his cheek.

"That was perfect." You said.

"Which part are you referring too?" He teased. You rolled your eyes, but sighed happily.

"All of it." You replied. He smiled.

"Agreed." He said. You smiled as you both sat there together. Soon, he shifted. You both stood up and he pulled you in for a quick kiss.

"We'd better get back down to the others." He said. You nodded. You both left and went back down into the ship. You went to check on your wolves. You whistled and the three of the came running. You smiled as Neo easily kept up with his mother. He was growing and he was surely getting stronger. His head came up to her just beneath her shoulders now. You was getting to be a strong young wolf. You pet the three up them and they all barked happily. You chuckled. You decided to stay with them for awhile. You smiled as you sat down, leaning against a crate. They curled up around you and you pet Neo, who had curled up in your lap, as the four of you relaxed together.

Third Person POV

Jericho was lit up with the news. Androids watched it, listening to it intently. It was nothing good. There were quiet words among them as they all discussed what was happening. Peace didn't settle in with many in those moments. Fear and anger had been spread throughout them. (Y/n) knew things weren't the best, but taking a stand was the only way. She believed that. She believed in Markus as well. 

Her mind drifted to another android she'd met. She wondered where he was. Was he still alive? Had Cyberlife taken him to be deactivated and analyzed? (Y/n) didn't know what had happened to Connor and Hank. She hoped Hank was okay and she wished Connor had joined her. Sadly, he'd never shown up in Jericho. She knew he hadn't been freed. As much as she wished she could save so many, there was nothing she could do. 

Nobody knew what the next move was going to be. Many androids wanted to attack them humans for the horrible things they were doing as they spoke, but others were afraid of confrontation. There were still many that believed they were doing the right thing. It was hard to be in Jericho around so many different opinions and feelings. It was easy to get overwhelmed, but there was something that kept everyone calm. It was the fact that they were in it together. All of them were going to stick together, no matter what. 

Being Co-leader wasn't easy, but (Y/n) knew she had a job to do. She had a responsibility for her people. She was with Markus and she'd stay with him, no matter what. It might not have been safe. It might not have been smart. It might not have even made sense, but none of that mattered. It was the choice she had made and there was no going back on it. Not after everything that had happened.

The news kept playing, but she ignored it. She knew what was happening. She didn't need a screen to tell her that her people were being captured and killed. She knew what was happening. While it scared her that humans could be so cruel, she knew there was hope. She held onto it, making sure never to let go. People could see that they were worth being freed. It was the ones who disagreed that were fighting back. They could fight back too, but it wasn't going to be with guns. We can do this. I know we can do this. We just have to hold on. We just have to keep trying. I know it's possible. I can feel it. She thought. Little did anyone know...things were about to take a very unexpected turn.

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