Chapter 66

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"(Y/n)!!" The last thing you heard was Zala's worried shout as you were swept away into a memory.


 You were confused, but he pulled you along and soon you were up on the top of the boat again. "(Y/n)...I...I have to tell you something. For awhile now I've felt...complete around you. I've been trying to show you this for awhile, but..I just didn't know how. I want to get you so much more than this life of hiding and then taking a stand and then hiding all over again. I want to give you a world where we can be together. I know I need you in order for us to win our freedom, but...I never want to lose you. I thought I lost you before...I don't want to feel that again. I love you, (Y/n)."

*End Flashback*

You opened your eyes, shocked by what you had learned. I...I know that voice, but...ugh...this memory is still so distorted. I can't make out who it is. Damn it, why do I always get so close, but never close enough? You wondered. Zala brought you back to the present.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n), are you okay!? Can you hear me!?" She asked frantically.

"I'm okay! Calm down, Zala! I just...remembered something." You said.

"Really? What was it?" She asked. You thought about it. 

Tell Zala?

No... I have to work this one out of my own. 

"I...I don't really know." You replied. That wasn't a lie at least. You didn't know much else other than the words you'd heard. She nodded.

"Alright. At least it's something." She said. She helped you up and you saw Ralph standing there next to her. "(Y/n), as I'm sure you know by now, this is Ralph. Ralph, this is (Y/n). She's my friend." Zala said. He gave you a shy smile.

"N-nice to meet you." He said. You smiled at him in return.

"You too, Ralph!" You said happily. He looked a little calmer around you now. 

"Oh, and Ralph, this is Zora. I met her and she kept me safe while we were together. She's nice, really." Zala said. He studied the giant creature for a moment, before smiling happily at her.

"Ralph loves her! She's perfect! Can Ralph keep her?" He asked like an excited child. Zora looked pleased by his high praise. Zala chuckled.

"Ralph may keep Zora." Zala replied. He cheered happily and hugged the massive animal. She barked happily, pleased with herself. You and Zala laughed at the cute sight. After he stopped hugging her, you talked to Zala about the issue at hand. 

"Zala, can I stay here? Just for today. I'll go home tomorrow, I promise." You said. She smiled.

"Of course you can stay. You can sleep downstairs with Zora. Ralph and I will stay up here." She said. You saw the faint blush on her cheeks. You raised an eyebrow at her. Oh boy. I know that look. You thought. You grinned.

"Whatever you say Zala. Hope you both enjoy your night." You added with a small hint of tease. You caught a glimpse of her face bursting out blue. You chuckled to yourself and walked downstairs with Zora. You decided you'd all need some firewood. You got an idea. "Hey Zora! You wanna help me get some fire wood, girl?" You asked. She barked happily. You chuckled. "Sweet! Come on girl!" You said. "We're gonna get some more firewood! Be back in awhile!" You called.

"Okay! See you two soon!" Zala called down. You chuckled. You headed out with Zora, hopping on her back. You went to a local park. You could salvage broken branches and get some off dead trees. It wasn't the best option, but it would do. You both looked around. You hopped off and began collecting larger sticks. Zora carried them in her mouth and with her tail. You both piled them all together when you were done. You brushed off your hands, trying to rid them of the dirt. "Think that's good, Zora?" You asked.

"Yes." She replied. You smiled. 

"I'm gonna use the snow to wash off the dirt." You said. 

You began to clean off the dirt when something could and heavy hit your back. You yelped and whipped around. Zora as on the ground yipping hysterically. You glared at her with a challenging grin. "You wanna play that game, huh?" You said. You picked up some snow and threw it. It hit her square in the face. She shook it off and stared at you in astonishment. Then her eyes narrowed. You knew that look. This. Means. War! You thought. You both had fun chucking heaps of snow at each other and she had fun tackling you down into it. You both had a blast until you were both soaking wet from the melted snow that clung to your clothes/fur. You laughed again as she vigorously shook off her pelt, spraying you with the droplets. You smiled up at her. "We should get back." You said. You picked up some sticks and so did she. 

You both headed for Ralph's place together, you riding on her back all the way there. You smiled, enjoying the lift back. Your mind wandered back to Markus again. You sighed. Zala's right. I have to go back. I want to rest for the rest of tonight though. Markus' place is too far from here to go on my own and I'm not making anyone else run around with me and then run back alone. I'll go tomorrow. I..I hope he won't be upset with me for leaving.

(Heya guys! I have a question. Who wants the 'special' scene with Zala and Ralph? If you guys want it I'll do it, but if you don't care then I'll skip it. I just wanted to ask what you guys think. All you innocent children...ignore this question. This is for the big kids. Anyway! Answer in the comments! This is Spiritwing howling a goodbye! Author AHWOOOOOT!)

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