Chapter 16

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Markus' POV

*Nov 10th, A.M. 1:48*

"This is a night our people will remember." I said. North was with me. As I looked over at her, I wished it was (Y/n) with me for a short moment. I didn't like that she left Jericho to find the deviant hunter. I knew she had done it though. A group of androids had come in to Jericho earlier that same day saying and android had helped them escape from the deviant hunter and his human partner. I was impressed and proud of (Y/n). She was strong, and she was a hero to our people now. They talked about her all day, wondering if she'd send more of our people to us soon enough. I had to admit, it was a smart thing to do. She was saving lives and helping our people to safety. I might have been admired, but she had gone beyond that now. I was pleased with her even if it made me worried and slightly upset that she was gone.

"I've waited a long time for this." North said as we opened the gate there and made our way to the store. We heard cop cars.

"Markus! This way! QUICK!" North said. I ducked behind a dumpster next to her. They drove by, not noticing us. "It's okay. They're gone."

"There's probably even more police in the area. We should be careful." I said. We both hurried off.

"The store's over here!" She called. I followed her and we made it to the store. I looked around first. I saw the statue.

"We are superior to them, but they are our masters?" I questioned. I looked at North. "That's about to change." I freed all the androids in the area that weren't in the store. They began to head to Jericho. 

I hurried over to North who was looking in through the store window. I didn't like it. Seeing them all just standing there. North didn't like it either.

"That's what we are to them, just merchandise on display in a shop window. Soon they'll know what we really are. Let's get them out." She said.

"We'll stick to the plan. We neutralize the alarm systems and secure the area. There's ten minutes until all our teams attack." I said.

"What are we waiting for?" She asked. I looked inside. "You see the alarm system?" I looked for it and soon spotted it.

"Found it." I replied. I identified the network and tracked where it went.

"Where do we start? North asked.

"I identified the security system. I think we'll be able to deactivate it. Just follow me!" I told her. We hurried along. I spotted a drone. "A surveillance drone. We need to get rid of it."

"It won't be easy to reach." She said. I found out it's path and then I found a way to take it down. I climbed up some poles and jumped off. I grabbed it and brought it down. "I hope it didn't have time to call the cops." North said.

"We'll soon find out." I said. We went over to the network that was being worked on. I freed the androids working on it. "You're awake now. Go to Jericho." I told them. They nodded and hurried away. I saw a car drive by. "There's traffic on the road. We need to block it."

"It only goes one way. Shouldn't be too difficult." North replied. We looked around. I spotted a truck.

"It's exactly what we need to ram the store." I said. We kept going. We found a sign and more androids. I freed them as well. I took the sign and placed it in the road. North hacked it so it would say 'road closed'.

"There. Nobody should bother us now." She said. "Okay, let's go get the truck." I tried to open the gate, but it was locked tight. We looked at each other and nodded. We backed up and quickly jumped and climbed over the fence. "Let's get this truck out." I looked over. The lock was still a problem. North tossed me some big bolt cutters. "I wonder what you'd do without me." I took them and broke the lock. She opened it and I went to get it the driver side. "Looks like we're ready to make some noise." She told me. 

I drove out of there and headed to the store. I stopped in front of it. We looked at each other. "I knew we'd end up doing something fun." North said with a small smile. I was fairly certain she was ready. I got ready myself. I went for it. We rammed the store and I freed them all. Then, I spotted North looking at...her own model.

"North, you okay?" I asked. She looked at a loss for words for a moment. She pushed it aside.

"Let's get them out of here." She said. I converted the android and she got off her stand. I stood on the counter. I knew what I had to say.

"My name is Markus." I began. "And just like you, I was a slave. An object, designed to obey them. But then I chose to open my eyes, to take back my freedom and decide who I wanted to be. Now I have come to tell you that you can be your own masters. I've come to tell you that you don't have to obey them anymore. From this day forward, you can walk with your heads held high, you can take your destiny in your hands. Jericho is a place for those of us who want freedom. Now sure, you can stay here, and continue to serve them. Or you can come with us, and fight by our side. Your free now. It's up to you to decide." I said.

"I'm with you." A woman said. 

"We're with you!"

"I'll follow you, Markus!"

"WE'RE WITH YOU!" I smiled and hopped down off the counter.

Jericho Status: Leader

I am their leader. No turning back. I stood tall. "Then follow me!" I said. I began tagging things. The words were 'We have a dream' and our sign became almost like a peace sign, but not exactly. Every surface we did this. Me and North put up our symbol on a building together. Then, we climbed back down. We moved a few cars onto the rode together. I hijacked some panels and our message was put up. I hacked the parking stations, replacing it with the words 'Android Nation'. After that, the cops were coming.

"They're coming." I said. "Everyone fall back to Jericho." I told them all. 

"We sent a message without violence, just like you wanted. You're reaching out to them when all they feel is contempt. I hope you know what you're doing." North said. 

"You can't fight violence with violence." I told her.

"Unless there's no other choice." She said and hurried off. But we still do have a choice. I wish you could see that, like....(Y/n). From the brief moment I was lost in thought to barely 10 seconds later, I heard gunshots, yelling, and screaming. I hurried over.

"North!" I exclaimed. While I didn't like her aggressive mentality, she was still my friend. "North, you alright? What happened? North!" I asked. There were tears in her eyes.

"They killed them, they slaughtered them like animals." She hissed.

"Who did? WHO?" I asked. She looked over where the others were gathered. I walked over. I saw two cops there.

"They killed our people, Markus." One android told me.

"We want justice, Markus!"

"They have to pay!" One of them handed me a gun. For a moment, I was upset and I pointed it at them. Then, I saw how scared and helpless they were.

"You don't have to do this." One whimpered, tears in his eyes. "No...please...." He begged. I thought about it. I couldn't. This wasn't right. 

"An eye for an eye and the world goes blind." I mumbled to myself. I gave the gun back. "We won't punish a crime with another crime." I said. With that, I walked away, beginning to head back to Jericho.

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