Chapter 39

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You were back at the church with Markus. You sat next to him, trying to give him comfort from your presence. It seemed to work a little since his stress levels were only at 46% and they weren't rising. You stayed next to him. You decided to say something.

"Markus?" He looks up at you. "We should check on the others." You said. He nodded in agreement.

"You're right." He said. You both got up and you went over to Kara and the little girl that was with her. "I thought you'd be safe staying with us. I was wrong. You need to leave this city while you still can." Markus told them. She nodded.

"Getting Alice away from here is all that matters now. We have to catch the last bus. We might still have a chance to cross the border." Kara said. You nodded.

"If you need anything come to me. I'll help you with anything you need before you leave." You told them.

"Thank you." She replied. "Markus," She called as you both began to leave. He turned. "save our people." He nodded to her and then you followed him toward Josh. Markus sat down in a chair and you sat on the ground next to him. You stayed silent as Josh began to speak.

"If it weren't for you, I'd be dead. Thanks to you, I might see our people free one day. You and I haven't always agreed, but I know we're fighting for the same thing." Josh said to him. "And (Y/n)'ve been a great friend ever since the start. Thank you. Both of you. Whatever you both decide, I'm with you." He told you. You smiled.

"Thank you, Josh." You replied. He nodded to you both. Markus stood up and you followed him away. You went over to Simon. You sat down next to him. He sighed and stood up.

"Our people our counting on you both. You two are the only ones who can lead us. Wherever you need to go, we'll follow you." He said. You nodded.

"I'm glad we have androids like you to help us though, Simon." You told him. He smiled.

"Thanks, (Y/n)." He replied. After that, you followed Markus over to Connor. He looked upset and disappointed in himself.

"It's my fault the humans managed to locate Jericho. I was stupid. I should've guessed they were using me." He said. You hugged him.

"Don't say that. You helped us escape in the end, Connor. Besides, you're one of us. I know that. I always knew you were one of us, Connor. You just needed help seeing it." You told him. He hugged back, seemingly thankful for your kind words.

"I should've realized sooner. I'm glad I met you (Y/n), or...things might've turned out different for me...most likely for the worst." He said. You smiled.

"I could never leave my brother." You said. He smiled, true emotion shinning in his eyes. He turned to Markus.

"I'm sorry, Markus. I can understand if you decide not to trust me." Connor said. You looked at Markus, wondering what he would say.

"You're one of us now. Your place is with your people." Markus looked at you. "And with your family." You smiled and held onto Connor a little tighter. He glanced at you and smiled a little. Markus began to leave to go talk to North, but Connor called him back.

"There are thousands of androids at the Cyberlife assembly plant. If we can wake them up, they might join us and shift the balance in power." You were stunned.

"Connor what are you saying?" You asked.

"You wanna infiltrate the Cyberlife Tower? Connor, that's suicide." Markus said.

"They trust me, they'll let me in. If anyone has a chance of infiltrating Cyberlife, it's me."

"If you go there, they will kill you." Markus said.

"There's a high probability, but statistically speaking, there's always a chance for unlikely events to take place." Connor said. You were stunned.

"Connor, I know you're probably right, but your talking mission impossible here." You said. He nodded.

"I know." He replied. You sighed.

"I'm not changing your mind, am I?" You asked.

"Unlikely." He replied with a small grin. You sighed. You hugged him again.

"You better not get your ass shot, Connor." You said. He chuckled lightly.

"I'll try, but sadly I can't promise anything." He replied. You smiled at him.

"And they say I was a hero to Jericho." You chuckled. He grinned a little. Markus put a hand on his shoulder.

"Be careful." He told him. Connor nodded and Markus left. You didn't want to talk to North. You stayed next to Connor.

"So, you both are a couple?" You blushed and stared at him in shock.

"Connor!" You exclaimed. He chuckled.

"Sorry, I was just curious." He said. You rolled your eyes.

"The one thing they shouldn't have programmed into your personality." You muttered, semi annoyed with the android standing next to you. You laughed a little. He hugged you again.

"I have a right to be curious about my own sister, don't I?" He asked. You sighed with a disbelieving grin.

"Whatever, ya dork." You said to him. He smiled.

"I'm glad to call you my sister. I'm honored to be your brother, (Y/n)." He said. You smiled.

"Well, I needed somebody to be related to me. I just thought 'why the heck not?'." You replied. He smiled.

"Of course you did."

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