Chapter 50

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Connor's POV

We arrived at Kamski's and Markus was already out of the car. Hank got out and I followed him. It had been a week and we were all in a huge rush to see her, Markus most of all. We hurried after Markus as the three of us made our way inside. We were let inside by Chloe. She tried to speak, but Markus was already gone.

"Wait!" She called after him.

"What? Is something wrong?" Hank asked. Her LED turned yellow.

"Something happened with her memory." I froze, already feeling the guilt gnawing at me.

"What? What do you mean?" Hank asked.

"An extended period of time shut down with a damaging shot like that one...could mean a memory reset." I pieced together. 

"Wait then...oh no." Hank said.

"I'm afraid her memories are limited and...none of them recall any of you." Chloe told us. I felt so horrible. 

"This is my fault. I should've been faster! If I had escaped from that stupid garden none of this would be happening." I snapped at myself.

"Connor, don't blame yourself. You couldn't control it." Hank said, putting a hand on my shoulder. I gave him a weak smile. "Come on, we've gotta get to Markus."

Markus' POV

I hurried to where she was. The automatic doors slid open and I saw her sitting on the same table that I had seen her on before when she was shut down. She heard me come in and I smiled. I hurried over and hugged her.

"You're back! I'm so glad you're okay, (Y/n)." I said.

"Ummm...thanks?" She replied. I was confused.

"What? Is something wrong?" I asked. 

"Uh...have we met?" She asked. I was shocked.

"What? (Y/n), don't mess with me. I understand you like to mess around, but I would prefer if you not do that right now." I said.

"I'm serious. I have never seen you before." She said. I began to piece this together.

"You...don't remember me?" I asked.

"Should I?" She asked. Those words were like a truck running me over ten times in a row. I felt my hear breaking.

"(Y-Y/n)...i-it's me, Markus. Come on, you can't forget me, can you?" I asked. She looked uncomfortable.

"I...I'm sorry if I'm supposed to remember you, but I have never seen you before. But...Kamski did mention your name now that I think of it. Are you my best friend or something?" I forced myself not to flinch.

"Markus, wait! Don't-" I turned as I heard Connor's voice. He seemed to realize I had already found out. She looked surprised by Connor's presence. 

"Um...should I remember him too?" She whispered to me. Connor sighed.

"Markus, Kamski would like to speak with all of us." He said. I followed him out as Chloe came in to keep (Y/n) company. She smiled at Chloe and waved. Chloe waved back, trying not to show her concern for us. I saw Kamski there and I looked at him, waiting for him to explain what I already knew.

"I'm sorry Markus, but she doesn't remember anything past her owner attacking her the night she became a deviant. Her memory reset on it's own and there's nothing I can do to retrieve those memories." He said.

"Can't they do that...hand thing and he can make her remember?" Hank asked.

"It's called interfacing, Lieutenant." Connor informed.

"Whatever." Hank said.

"No. If we try to make her remember by force, it could cause conflict in her system. She will try to force herself to be exactly how she was before and her stress could rise to the point of her self destructing. Whether or not it's possible for her to remember by herself I'm unsure. We can only inform her of the recent events regarding androids and that she used to know us. We are all her friends as of this moment. If we tell her we are anything more, it could backfire and her stress could rise. I'm afraid none of us can do anything to recall her memories." Kamski said. Each words made me want to scream that it was a lie. I felt so helpless and lost. There was nothing I could do. 

"Thank you for fixing her. We can only hope she remembers on her own." Connor said. 

"We'll be takin' her with us now. Thank you, Mr. Kamski." Hank said.

"If anything regarding her physical and mental state occurs in a negative reaction, contact me. I will see what I can do to help if you need it." He said.

"Thanks." Hank replied. We went to retrieve (Y/n). I couldn't bare to speak to her at the moment so Connor told her that they were going to take her back to her home. At first she thought we meant Mitch's house, but we explained that she lived somewhere else now. She calmed down and gladly came with us. She thanked Kamski on our way out. I sat next to her in the car. I glanced over at her. She looked so carefree, not realizing just how much sadness was around her. 

"So, you guys are all my friends?" She asked.

"Yes. We've known each other for awhile now. Hank is a detective and so am I. Markus is the leader of Jericho. We'll fill you in soon enough." Connor said, trying to be friendly toward her.

"Hank, Connor, and Markus. It all sounds familiar. What happened that caused me to forget?" She asked. I froze and I saw guilt flash in Connor's eyes.

"N-not important." He said. We headed back to Hank's place. (Y/n) looked around. Sumo and the wolves greeted her happily. She smiled at all of them and pet them and played with them all. Connor was fast to react though. He told the wolves that she had lost her memory and, while they were upset about this, they were glad to have her back.

Suddenly, I got a call from another android. I sighed. I answered it.

"Hello?" I heard a familiar voice on the other end. It was Eric, Carl's new caretaker. I was glad Eric had stayed with him. I...couldn't visit much with everything going on.

"Hello, Markus. I'm afraid...I have some bad news."

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