A/n: New Book and News!

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Heya everybody! So, I think I'm going to take a break for a bit. Writing is important to me, but I think I'm starting to overwhelmed myself to the point were it's mentally unhealthy. Also, if any of you have seen or heard of my old book 'Emotionless' I've decided to take it down and it's unlikely I'll come back to it. I'm sorry, but it just....didn't work out how I wanted it too. Now, I'm gona stop bombing you with bad news and I'm going to get on with the new book announcement!

Okay, so I got a new idea for another Connor x Reader. I'm a big fan of Connor and I just love him to pieces! This new book is going to have a bit of a sadder ark to it, just telling you upfront. Anyway, so here's the new book that should be out soon (to when this part was published).

 Anyway, so here's the new book that should be out soon (to when this part was published)

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EEEE! I'm sorry, I love this cover that I put together. DON'T TAKE THAT THE WRONG WAY! I DID NOT DO THE ART! I couldn't do that in a million years. I'm not THAT good. Anyway, with that said, this is Spiritwing howling a goodbye! Author AHWOOOOOOT!

11/28/2021 Edit: Heya guys! Guess what? All of my D:BH books have done awesome! So have my HTTYD books! Now, I'm actually moving onto a different fandom of mine! I'm going to be doing something slightly different too. I'm currently in the process of publishing a Marvel's Loki x an OC I created! I put my heart and soul into the character and the book as a whole, so please go give it the boost it needs! It's on my profile as my latest published story called 'Twisted in Ties'. I promise you won't be disappointed. Even if you aren't a Marvel fan, I personally think all sorts of people can enjoy the storyline. It's fun, adventurous, romantic, and has great comedy. Seriously, Marvel has some dang good comedy. Please go give it some love and at least share it around even if you don't want to read it. I really want this book to do well. It's one of my absolute favorite books right now that I've written and I'm very proud of it.

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