Chapter 65

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(There's Zala for you!)

You woke up the next morning and you saw Zora sleeping with a newer looking android. You were stunned. that Zala? You got up and walked over. 

"Zala? Is that you?" Her eyes opened. Based on how her eyes reacted, you guessed she was smiling. There was a bandanna covering her mouth for some reason. You decided not to question it.

"Yes. It's me, (Y/n)." She chuckled. You smiled.

"Wow! Zala you look amazing! And your voice is really pretty now." You said. She chuckled.

"Thank you. I'm glad you approve." She said. "I have something I want to ask you though."

"Sure. What is it?" She sighed.

"You see, I have a friend back in the city and it's been a long time since I've seen him. I'm going back to Detroit. I want you to help me find him." She said. 

"Of course! What does he look like?" You asked.

"Blond hair, burn marks on one side of his head. He was a gardener model I think." Zala described. (Is that right for the model thing? I thought he was a gardener. Tell me in the comments.)

"Alright. I've never seen anybody like that before, but I'm sure we can find him! Do you have a place we can start?" You asked.

"Yep! We used to live in this old house together. Last time I saw him I promised I'd come back. You can picture how well that turned out." She said sadly.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up. It wasn't your fault. Come on! Let's go!" You said. She looked happier and she nodded. 

"Zora!" The huge wolf opened her eyes and stood up. "Take us to the city!" Zora barked and bent down. Zala hopped on her back and offered you her hand. You took it and she helped you up onto the bid animal. "Yah!" Zala yelled. Zora howled and took off. You could feel the power in her as she ran through the woods, carrying you both to the city. As you went along, you thought of Markus again. Zala must've known your thoughts were elsewhere. "You alright?" You looked at her.

"I just...I still need to think. I just don't know if I can go back." You said.

"(Y/n), I haven't seen my friend in a month and a half. I'm brave enough to go back to him, or try at least. If I can do it, I know you can. Markus cares about you more than you think. Maybe you should give him a chance." Zala said and Zora barked in agreement. You sighed.

"It's not that easy. You are probably gonna get a warm welcome. While Markus would welcome me, it wouldn't change anything." You said.

"(Y/n), my friend is unstable. He could very possibly try to kill me if I go back. Do you really think Markus is more dangerous than who I'm going to see?" You were stunned.

"I...I didn't know." You admitted.

"Well now you know that I'm doing something that could very well kill me. I miss my friend and I care about him. Don't you think that's how Markus feels?" She asked. You hadn't thought about it that way. "You thought you were causing him pan by being around, but you're causing him more pain by shutting him out. Yes, the situation you're in is hard and it's gonna be a struggle, but in the end I know it will be worth it." Zala told you. 

"I just don't know what to do anymore." You said.

"Well giving up isn't the right thing to do. The only thing you can do is try. If you try, there's a chance. If you give in, nothing can last. Do you really want to throw everything away?" 

"No." You replied.

"Then don't give in. You're strong, even if you don't believe it. Markus sees the real you. Now you have to let yourself see it." You smiled.

"Thanks Zala." You said. Zora barked. You chuckled and pet her. "And you too Zora." You said. Zala chuckled.

"Alright. Next stop, my old home." She said. Zora ran faster and soon you were back in the city. She ran along streets and past houses and stores and outdoor shopping malls. You took in the beauty of the city. Zala did too.

"It's been a long time since I was here. We're almost there." She said. Soon, you all came to a stop next to an old house surrounded by a fence. You climbed off Zora and you all followed Zala inside. She took her time, looking around in wonder at the place as if it were a beautiful castle she was seeing for the first time. She looked shaky as she approached the door. You gave her a reassuring smile and she took a few deep breaths. Then, she opened the door and looked around. You both followed her inside.

"Hello? Ralph? Are you here?" She called, looking around with worried eyes. Silence filled the room. She sighed. "He's gone." She whimpered. You hugged her.

"I'm sure he's alright." You comforted her. Zora sniffed around, checking to be sure. Zala was on the brink of tears. 

"I miss him so much, (Y/n)." She tried to hush her, when you heard a creek come from upstairs. Zala looked hopeful. She ran up the steps, you calling after her.

"Zala! Wait!" You and Zora hurried after her. When you got up the steps, you both froze. Zala was standing right in front of and android, but there was a large knife in his hand. It was pointed at her as if he was tryin to keep her away.

"W-why are you all looking for Ralph? R-Ralph doesn't know you. R-Ralph doesn't like visitors." Zala walked toward him.

"Ralph, it's okay. Please, you have to remember me. It's me." She told him. You remembered Markus when she said that. It made you uncomfortable, but you forced it away.

"S-stay back!" He snapped.

"Ralph, calm down. It's me, Zala. It's okay." She assured him. He looked hesitant at the name.

"Z-Zala doesn't look like you." He said.

"Ralph, I'm sorry for not coming back. I tried so hard to get back to you, but by the time I could I looked like a monster. I was so ashamed that I ran away, hoping you would forget me. But now I'm fixed and I look normal and I'm more ashamed that I never came back to you. Please, you have to believe me." She said. He studied her and then he dropped the knife. He ran toward her, hugging her so tightly you thought he would crush her. She hugged back just as strong.

"Y-you came back." He said, looking at her with a warmth that was unmistakable. Tears rolled down her face and she stared back into his eyes.

"I promised, didn't I?" She said. He pulled the bandanna down and kissed her. You giggled at the two and Zora's tail wagged happily. When the kiss broke you noticed she still had fangs. So that's why. She thinks she'll scare people if they see them. You realized. You honestly thought it added an extra flare to her look. Still, you pushed the thought aside for now.

"Ralph...thought he'd never see you again." Ralph admitted.

"I could say the same thing, you dork." She chuckled. She kissed his nose. "I love you." You gasped as a memory flashed before your eyes. You fell to your knees. They all looked surprised.


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