Chapter 4

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You were out and about. Rupert had asked you to go get some more bird seed for him. You had agreed. You kept your hood up and walked along. You suddenly came to a place that was being patrolled by police officers. You swallowed hard. Shit. You cursed silently. You kept walking, hoping nobody would be suspicious of you. 

You saw an old man with an android. You paused for a second. The android had brown hair and brown eyes. You saw that his model was an RK800. You scanned him. He's a detective prototype? You thought. 

Objective: Get away unnoticed

You kept walking. You passed an officer. He turned.

"Hey you." Shit. Shit. SHIT! You thought, holding your breath. His hand gripped your shoulder an turned you around. You looked at him.

"Yes sir?" You asked, trying to sound calm. He looked you up and down. His eyes narrowed.

"You look familiar..." He said.

"I've never seen you before." It's not exactly a LIE. You told yourself. His eyes widened.

"You aren't the one we're looking for...but you are on one of the files!" He said. You began panicked.

"Hank! I found a different-" You punched him and bolted for it.

"What the- another one!?" You heard the older man shout. "Go Connor!" He yelled. You turned. You saw the android take off after you. Holy shit he's fast! You thought. You took off, your body a blur as you ran as fast as you could. You had to get away. Where the hell can I go!? You thought. You took a quick turn to the left into an ally. You saw a fire escape. You quickly climbed it.

"Hold it right there!" You turned, seeing the android below you. Make me. You thought. You kept climbing. He climbed after you. You looked around on the roof. You saw two things you could do.

Hide or Run?

You didn't know what to do. Time was running out. You could hear him getting closer. You were amazed that your hood had stayed up during all of this. Nobody had gotten a good look at you yet. 

"Stop!" You turned. Your hood covered your face. "You're coming with me." He said. You knew you only had one option. You bolted and leaped off the roof across the huge gap. "Hey!" You screamed as you fell through the air. You landed hard on the next roof. You groaned. You got onto your hands and knees, panting. 

You looked over seeing the android standing at the edge of the roof staring at you. He seemed to be debating whether or not to take the risk you had. 

The older man appeared beside him, panting. He looked at you. Shock appeared in his expression.

"Holy shit! She jumped that!?" He exclaimed. You got to your feet. You yelped as you felt a sting in your body. You looked at your abdomen wound. It was bleeding worse now.

"Damn it." You huffed.


I can't keep going like this. You realized. The android must've known this too.

"It can't make another jump like that!" He said. He got ready to jump.

"Hey! Are you crazy!? You'll fall Connor! You're heavier than she is!" You didn't care to listen to them. You began to limp away.

"We can't let it get away!" He shouted.

"You will get yourself killed! Don't go after it Connor! That's an order! We'll just get into the building and get it that way." He said. You realized you were still trapped. No! I can't give up yet! You thought. You saw a bus coming on the street below. You had no choice.

"This is crazy!" You hissed to yourself. "Okay...3...2...1!" You jumped. 

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" The man shouted. You landed on top of the bus. You watched as they both stared after you. Neither of them had gotten a good look at you. You had done it. You'd gotten away from them. You sighed in relief. I'll have to find Jericho on my own. I can't lead them to Rupert. I'm sorry Rupert. I hope I'll meet you there. You thought.

Connor's POV

I watched as the deviant escaped. I growled in frustration. 

Mission: Failed 

"How the hell did she make that?" Hank asked.

"She was desperate...and extremely lucky." I said. "I should've gone after it." 

"It won't make it far after getting down off that bus. It looked like it was in pretty rough shape. We'll find it." Hank said. He began to leave. I looked at where she had disappeared. I turned and followed Hank back down the fire escape. I didn't even get a good look at her. How will we know it's her? I wondered. I sighed I have to trust that the officers will be able to track her down. 

Kara's POV

I watched the chase come to an end with Alice gripping my hand tightly. I was stunned that another deviant had been passing through. While she'd hurt herself, she'd saved us. I was the only one who'd gotten a good look at her. I'd seen her when she'd gotten grabbed by the cop. 

"Will she be okay, Kara?" Alice asked. I looked at her.

"Yes, Alice. She's strong. She'll make it." I said. I'll have to thank her when I see her again. Well, IF I see her again. I hope she makes it. I thought. We kept going to the train station. We had to catch the next train.

"She was really fast. Can you go that fast, Kara?" I chuckled.

"No, Alice." I replied.

"She was pretty. She looked human. Do you think they could've made a mistake, Kara?" She asked.

"No, Alice. I saw that she was damaged. She was a deviant." I replied.

"I hope she's okay." Alice said. I smiled a little.

"Me too, Alice. I hope we see her again so we can thank her. She did help us after all. She was very brave." I said.

"Yeah." Alice agreed. We kept going. I hoped everything would be okay for her. We all just want to be free.

Beautiful (Markus x Android!Reader Detroit: Become Human Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now