Chapter 3

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You sighed. You kept walking. You saw an old building up ahead. You looked around. Nobody was paying attention to you. You turned back to the building.

Stay here?

You decided it was the best option. It was better than an old car. You slipped inside and went up the elevator a few floors. You looked around. You heard a bang. You hurried toward it and came to an old apartment room door. 

"Hello?" You called. You heard someone scuffling around inside. You walked in. "Anybody home?" You asked. You kept looking around. You opened another door and you shrieked and you were basically attacked by pigeons. You coughed, swatting the stray feathers away. You walked in. You saw a sea of pigeons. You chuckled. "Where you guys what I heard making all the noise?" You asked, picking one up and petting it. 

"Oh. You're an android." You screamed at the other voice. You whipped around your heart pounding. You saw an android there looking surprised. "W-wait! It's okay! I'm not gonna hurt you." He said. You calmed down.

"S-sorry. I-I just didn't expect another person to be here." You said. He nodded with a soft smile.

"It's okay. I'm Rupert!" He said. You let the pigeon fly off and held out your hand to him.

"I'm (Y/n)." You said. He smiled. He shook your hand.

"Nice to meet you." He said. "I live here. These are all my friends. I hope you don't mind them." He said. You giggled.

"No. I think it's nice. They're all very nice." You said. He smiled happily.

"You think so?!" He said excitedly. You smiled.

"Absolutely!" You replied. He looked pleased. 

"You should stay here with me!" He said. You smiled.

"Only if you're sure." You said.

"Of course I'm sure! It..gets kinda lonely here." He said, a glimmer of sadness in his eyes. You hugged him.

"Well, it won't be lonely anymore. I promise." You said. He hugged back. 

"I'd like that." He said. You smiled. 

"Well then Rupert, I guess I'm your new bunk buddy!" You teased. He laughed too. Then your sleeve rode up a little. He saw the scar there.

"You're hurt!?" He exclaimed. You sighed.

"My owner wasn't the friendliest." You said showing him your two scars. He frowned.

"Humans hate us. They made us...and they hate us. Why are they so cruel to us? We try to be helpful and they treat us like we're lower than dirt." He said, sitting down in a chair. You sighed.

"I don't know." You admitted. "But we're free now. That's what matters." You said.

"No. What matters is finding Jericho." He said.

"Finding who?" You asked.

"Not who. It's a place. It's a place where we can be free. Androids live together there. It's a sanctuary for those who have opened their eyes. I just hope rA9 blesses me with the information on the location of it." He said.

"rA9?" You asked.

"They're said to be the first one of us who ever awoken. They'll come back and they'll free us all. rA9 will save us." He said. You thought about it. 

"rA9 will save us all." You repeated. It...seems more like a myth. You thought. Rupert looked so sure that they existed though. Even myths provide hope. As long as it gives him something to believe in, I guess it doesn't matter. You thought. "Yeah. I know they will." You agreed. He smiled.

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