Chapter 15

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The next day, you were on the job. You went with Connor and Hank to another lead. You all went to a house. Hank knocked on the door. A women answered the door. She had medium length brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hello?" She said.

"Hello Miss. We've gotten a report of some strange activity going on around here at night?" Hank said. 

"Oh, that's just my family. They come and go quite often." She said.

"Would you mind us having a look?" Hank asked. She let you all in. You scanned her. You saw right through her act.

Elisha: Android 

When Hank and Connor weren't looking you grabbed her hand. It went white. 

"Find Jericho." You told her. She looked stunned for a moment. You let go. She looked after you. You all explored around. You saw some children. Elisha came over to you.

"They're all androids. We just want to be free. We've been living here for a year now. We help androids who need it. There are more of us in the basement." She told you. You glanced at her and nodded.

"Play along." You told her. She nodded. "Miss, have you seen anything else around the neighborhood?" You asked.

"No Mam." She replied. 

"Nothin' at all?" Hank asked.

"No. Just my family." She said. You spotted a bedroom down the hall.

"Come with me." You said. She followed you slowly and you walked into the room. You slipped her a gun. "We're going to make it look like you knocked me out. When they come to check on me, send one of your kids to the basement. Give them all the way to Jericho. I'll meet you there soon. You have to run with your other kids as soon as they start to come toward me. Got it?" She nodded. 

"Thank you." She whispered.

"Anything for my people."

Jericho Status: Hero

You nodded to her. You laid down on the floor and closed your eyes. She walked out of the room. About 3 minutes later, Connor walked in. He spotted you.

"(Y/n)!" He exclaimed. "Hank! In here!" He called. Hank hurried in. They both checked on you. Hank shook you.

"Hey! Kid! Get up!" You opened your eyes slowly.

"Wha...what the heck happened?" You asked. 

"That women...she's a deviant!" Connor said. You stood you.

"She took my gun!" You said, trying to stall for more time. 

"What!?" Hank said.

"Hurry! We have to catch it!" Connor said. You all hurried out, but they were already gone. Connor and Hank looked frustrated. 

"It was right under our nose. How did I not realize it?" Connor said. You walked over to him.

"It's not you're fault, Connor. It was mine." You said. He looked at you.

Connor Status: Trusted

Hank Status: Trusted

"Thank you, (Y/n). But it was my fault. I should've known."

"Don't beat yourself up, Connor." Hank said. You nodded in agreement. "Come on. Let's go." He said. You all left. You glanced back and saw the rug was slightly shifted. You smiled a little. You'll get there. I know it. Find our people.

"Is something wrong, (Y/n)?" Connor asked. You turned.

"Uh, no! Sorry. I was just thinking." You said and followed them out. You shut the front door behind you. That should give them the all clear. I hope you all make it out alright. Goodluck.

That night, the break in was all over the news. You stayed there with your wolves, watching it. Markus and the others had done it. You were pleased. You hopped Elisha and her friends and family had also made it to Jericho. You could only hope. 

You heard knocking at your door. You went to get it. You were stunned.

"Connor! What are you doing here?" You asked.

"I wanted to get to know you better. I figured it would be the best option if we are going to be working together for a short while." He said. You smiled.

"Sure! Come on in!" You said. Your wolves bounded up to meet him. He looked overwhelmed. You chuckled.

"Connor, meet Arrow, Sunny, and Neo. They're my companions." You said. 

"H-hello..." He said, unsure of himself. You giggled. He was honestly pretty neat. 

"They aren't going to bite. Don't worry." You said. "Arrow! Sunny! Neo! Heal!" You said. They all hurried over to the spare bed and Sunny picked up Neo by his scruff before her and Arrow hopped onto the bed and they all relaxed. You and Connor sat down at the small round kitchen table.

"It's a pleasure to be working with you, (Y/n)." He said. You smiled.

"You too, Connor." You said.

"So, can you tell me about yourself?" He asked. You thought about it.

"I adopted my pets not too long ago. I haven't been in this line of work too long. I like adventure. I've been through some rough spots in the past and now I've got some great friends. I...don't have a family other than my...dogs." You said.

"What happened to your family?" He asked. You sighed. Trying to act natural while thinking of what to say.

"Never found out. I was too young to ever know." You said. He nodded.

"I'm sorry that happened to you." He said. You smiled.

"Don't be. It's alright." You said. He smiled at you a little. You smiled back.

"I hope this all ends well, Connor." You said, holding his hand. He held it back.

"So do I." He said.

Connor Status: Friends

I can get through to him. I just have to play my cards carefully. I can do this.

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