Chapter 27

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Connor's POV

I was back in the garden. It was dark and grim here now. I spotted Amanda out on the pond, which had frozen over. I walked out to her. 

"After what happened today, the country is on the verge of a civil war. The machines are rising up against their masters. Humans have no choice but to destroy them." She said.

"I thought Kamski knew something. I was wrong." I said.

"Maybe he did. But you chose not to ask." I didn't know what to say the her about that. "And that deviant. You got nothing out of it. How come?" She asked.

"I attempted to probe her, but she is unique. She cut me off." I said. I remembered what she had told me. I felt a hint of anger. "I'm not a unique model, am I?" I asked. "How many Connor's are there?"

"I don't see how that question pertains to your investigation." She said. 

"Why...why did Kamski leave Cyberlife? What happened?" I asked.

"It's an old story, Connor. It doesn't pertain to your investigation." She replied.

"At Kamski's I saw a picture of Amanda. She was his teacher." I said. I was beginning to trust her less and less. If she was on my side, why wouldn't she tell me the truth?

"I expect you to find answers, Connor. Not ask questions. You're the only one who can stop civil war. Find the deviants or there will be chaos. This is your last chance, Connor." She told me. With that, I left the garden. 

Your POV

You helped fix Markus. He was better after a few minutes. You were glad he was alright. You hugged him.

"Next time your going to do that, give me a little forewarning, at least." You said. He hugged back.

"If I tell you that I'm going to do that any time, you'll end up doing it for me." He said. You smiled softly at him, cupping his cheek.

"You know me a little too well." You said. He smiled a little.

"Is that a bad thing?" He asked. You rolled your eyes at him. You took his hand.

"Come on. Let's go get some relaxing time together before you come up with another crazy idea." You teased lightly. He chuckled lightly. 

"Alright, alright. I can agree to that." He said. You smiled.

"You better, or I'm dragging you there." You said. He sighed with a smile.

"I figured just as much from you." He replied. You smiled and you both went to the top of the ship. You both walked out there together. The sun was still up, but only just. The sky behind you was growing dark as you watched it begin to fade out of view. You both found a peaceful spot to sit down together. Colors splashed against the sky, creating a sight that you cherished. It was perfect. Markus smiled, pulling you in close to him.

"It's when I do this, I forget about the world we live in. I forget about the troubles we'll be facing ahead. I forget about everything and just relax. I feel safe and peaceful, like it should be." You said. He looked at you. "I feel happy." You said, staring at the beauty unfolding before you. He held you tighter.

"I'm glad you can do that. I wish it were as easy for me." Markus said. You looked up at him.

"What do you mean?" You asked. He sighed heavily.

"There's so much riding on myself and my choices. I could end up getting everyone killed. I just can't help thinking about all of it. We've lost people already, and there's nothing I can do. I don't know how much more we can do. We're making a difference, but each day we get even closer to what seems like our last stand." Markus said. "I just...I don't want to lose after everything we've done. I don't want to fight either. I just want us all to be free." You understood that much. "And I want you." You blushed, looking back at him again. He cupped your cheek. "I've never felt like this before I met you. Never for anyone have I wanted so much to keep them safe and hold them in my arms. I want you to be safe. I want us to be free. I love you, (Y/n). And I'll do everything in my power to protect you." He promised. You smiled lovingly at him. 

"Markus...I don't care what happens anymore. I love you and even if we lose, I want you to remember that." You said.

"I will." He whispered and kissed you. You kissed back. You felt your mechanical heart pounding. I love you.

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