Chapter 31

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Sunny's POV

I watched over my pup. Some of the android children came over, wanting to play with us. We gladly chased them around and let them chase us. Neo was scooped up by a little girl. He squirmed around and she just laughed. She scratched his ear and he barked happily, his tail wagging back and forth. Arrow padded over to us.

"I'll be back soon. I have to get more food for him." He said. I nodded and licked his cheek affectionately.

"Be careful out there." I said. He nodded.

"I know Sunny. I'll see you soon!" He called as he hurried off.

"Goodluck!" I barked after him. Neo came over to me.

"Is Dad going to get more food?" He asked.

"Yes, my pup." I replied, curling my tail around him. He smiled happily.

"Great! I'm starving!" He whined dramatically. I chuckled.

"Clearly you aren't starving. You're growing up fast and strong. I'm proud of you." I said, nuzzling my pup. He nuzzled me back.

"Thanks Mom." He said. We both relaxed together for a long time. Neo fell asleep. I decided to get some rest as well. I yawned and went into sleep mode, my pup tucked safely away next to me.

Arrow's POV

I scanned the streets, looking for food for our son. I was looking around, when I smelled something. It was a scent I recognized. I followed it. I soon saw a man on the street. I went up to him cautiously. He turned and I was shocked. Connor!? He looked surprised as well.

"'s you!" He said. He bent down. "I need to find Jericho boy. Can you lead me to the safest route back?" He asked. I didn't know if he was trustworthy. Should I help him? No. I needed food. I couldn't take that chance. I whined and ran away. He called after me, but he didn't follow. I kept going. I hoped I had been wrong about not trusting him, but it was a risk I couldn't take. I kept going, searching for food. I felt bad, but there was no going back.

Connor's POV

He ran away from me. I called for him to come back, but I knew that he'd chosen not to trust me. I sighed. I kept going. I used the clues instead. I could find my own way to Jericho. I kept moving, hoping I would get there quickly. I wondered if I'd see (Y/n) there. The thought made me worried and slightly sad at the same time. (Y/n) could blow my cover, but I...I wanted to talk to her again. I pushed it away. I couldn't been seen by anyone. I had to keep going, alone.

Your POV

 You were with Markus. You sat next to him. There was silence between the two of you. The news was on and it was still nothing good. You wondered what he was thinking. You knew enough to let him think though. You hoped that everything would turn out well in the end. You wanted to be free with your friends. You only wished it had been easier. You scooted closer to him. He glanced over at you. You gave him a reassuring smile. He smiled back a little, but he was still deep in thought. You decided to talk to him.

"Markus." He looked at you again. "Are you okay?" He looked down again and sighed.

"What are we going to do now?" He asked. You kissed his cheek.

"Whatever it is going to be, I'll be there with you." You promised softly. He smiled at you.

"I know, beautiful. You always say that." He said. You chuckled.

"I say it because it's true." You replied. You looked deep into his eyes. "I love you, Markus." 

"I love you too." He replied. You kissed the bridge of his nose.

"We're going to be alright. I know it. I can feel it." You said. He smiled, nodding. 

"I believe you. I trust you." He replied. You smiled. You gave him a quick kiss and then you both sat there together. Markus kept thinking, but he seemed calmer now. At least, that's what you could tell from his body language. You leaned against him. He didn't mind. You both stayed there, together and calm. But that calm was a very different type of calm. It was the calm before the storm.

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