Chapter 36

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Markus' POV

I left the hiding spot I was in. I hurried to the ship's hold. I heard more of our people. I followed the sounds.

"Please don't kill us! We haven't done anything wrong!" A woman begged.  I quickly intervened. I saved them. 

"Markus! You saved us!" The android man said.

"Go now! Hurry!" I told the two of them. They nodded and ran. I kept going. More soldiers were ahead of me. I jumped and one tried to shoot me, but he missed. I kept going. I saw more of my people below me. 

"Here they come!" A girl said.

"Don't move!" A soldier ordered.

"We surrender! We surrender, don't shoot!" The man begged. I quickly tore something off of the wall and it smashed down on the two soldiers. They collapsed. "Markus! It's Markus!" 

"Go now! Join the others!" I told them. I had to find another route. I kept going. I hoped (Y/n) and the others were okay.

Your POV

You ran with Connor and North. You heard shooting up ahead. You grew determined. You had an idea. 

"Hide! Quick!" You said. Yo all ducked into a room. You turned to Connor. "Still got a gun on you?" You asked. He nodded and gave it to you. You breathed in and out. "Wait here." 

"Are you crazy!?" North said.

"Most likely." You replied and hurried out. Your eyes narrowed as you took aim. They spotted you and began to lift their guns. You shot both of them quickly. More were coming. You weren't gonna stand down. Not this time. You fought your way through the group and by the end of it there were bodies at your feet. You looked back toward the others. "Come on!" You called. They hurried after you. You snatched up another gun. You gave Connor his own back. You all hurried along. Soon enough, you were joined by Simon and then Josh. Josh told you that Markus was still heading to the ship's main hold. You hoped he would be alright.

Markus' POV

I kept going. I had helped Josh and told him to find the others. I quickly began to activate the explosives. Then, a soldier came in. 

"DON'T MOVE! Go and join the others!" He ordered me. I fought him. Two more showed up. I fought the three of them before going back and activating the explosives. I hurried away. I had to find the others. 

Arrow's POV

I hurried along with my family. Sunny was beside me, Neo riding on her back. We heard more androids. I stopped. Sunny looked stunned. She skidded to a halt as well.

"Arrow! Hurry! We have to go!" She said. I heard the androids begging the soldiers to spare them. I knew I couldn't just run away.

"We can't leave them! Come one!" I said. She hurried after me as we ran toward the sounds. I stopped around the corner. I peeked out and spotted four androids. Two soldiers had them on their knees. I growled angrily. 

"Neo, stay here." Sunny told him as he climbed off of her. He hopped down and we both got ready to fight. 

"Ready....NOW!" I barked. We launched out and tackled the guards. The androids quickly made a run for it as we finished the fight. I was relieved that it worked. We kept going, hurrying away. Neo climbed back on Sunny and we kept running. We helped anyone we came across. Nobody gets left behind.

Your POV

North lead the way as you all ran for an exit. Suddenly, Markus showed up.

"Markus!" You exclaimed, a relieved smile on your face.

"Bomb's gonna explode any second. We gotta get out of here." He said. You all ran for your lives. More soldiers came. North was shot. 

"North!" You exclaimed. Markus took a piece of metal and hurried to help her. You watched, eyes wide with both fear and wonder. He fought the on coming soldiers and helped North escape. You watched as he fought them. Whoa... You snapped out of your trance when they hurried toward you, trying to get away,

"Over there! Run!" Markus ordered. They were going too slow to make it without more help. Connor stepped in, taking the metal shield. He shot down more soldiers. You watched him in awe. He really could fight! You were stunned by his abilities. You shook it off. Now wasn't the time to get distracted. You all hurried to get away. Suddenly, Simon was shot.

"SIMON!!" You screamed. You ran to help him, pulling out your own gun. You shot down two soldiers and knelt to his aid. You looked up in terror. We're so dead! Then, barking was heard. I LOVE THOSE WOLVES! They plowed through them soldiers and took them down. More were still coming. You hurried to escaped. Sunny, Neo, and Arrow joined you as you all hurried away. Arrow split away. Sunny paused, giving a fearful bark. Neo whined in worry. Arrow fought the oncoming soldiers. You glared back at them. I can't just run! I have to help! You turned to help Arrow. You kept shooting. You had no hesitation. You had no fear. You flipped on soldier and punched another hard in the gut. You kicked him back and shot him. You fought without restraint.

As you fought, you heard a yelp. You spotted Arrow. He was pinned! You shoved the man you were fighting against the wall and kicked him hard right where it mattered most. You shot the man that had Arrow. He collapsed. Arrow looked at you, seemingly stunned. You smiled at him. His tail wagged happily. You chuckled. Then he looked afraid and barked. You were confused, but then the other soldier grabbed you and pointed a gun at your head. You shrieked. 

"NO!!" You heard Markus shout and you felt something push the man before a gunshot was heard. Your vision flashed white. Your ears rang as you hit the ground. You opened your eyes. They were glitching out, making it hard to see anything. You felt someone lift you up. Your ears cleared a little. 

"(Y/n)!?" You heard what sounded like Connor ask.

"Oh my god!" You assumed the lady's voice was North.

"We have to get out of here!! We can repair her when we're safe! Run!!" You knew that voice too well. M-Markus...w-why does You blacked out before anything else could happen.

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