Chapter 41

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(WARNING! Mature content ahead!)

You were stunned. You grew nervous. Before you could speak, he was already kissing your neck. You bit your lip as he almost instantly found your sweet spot. 

"M-Markus...w-wait." You stuttered, holding back a moan. He looked at you.

"Is something wrong?" He asked.

"S-should we really do this here? Right now?" You asked. He realized that he might've made you uncomfortable.

"Oh..." He said. "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." He looked embarrassed and a little guilty even. You felt bad now. You cupped his cheek. His eyes met yours again.

"It's okay. I'm not upset." You told him. "Besides..." You began to take off your shirt. "I wasn't complaining~" He looked surprised, but it quickly turned into a grin. You slipped off his coat and his hands quickly worked on removing your bra. You kissed him hard as it was tossed away. He kissed back with just as much passion and love. When he pulled away, you both smiled at each other.

"You're perfect, (Y/n)." He told you. You chuckled.

"Stop flattering me. You're always so serious, Markus. It's just us right now. You don't have to be serious around me. So stop telling me how beautiful or amazing am I and just start having fun~" You cooed. His eyes darkened with desire.

"Alright~" He attacked your neck and you instantly started moaning. You gripped his shoulders as he left them in every spot within his reach. You gasped as he bit down and left a mark. You shuddered in anticipation. He noticed this. "Excited?" He teased. You glared at him with a smirk.

"Shut up~" You retorted lightly. He chuckled. He took off his shirt and you wasted no time letting your hands roam his bare body. He groaned slightly and he began kissing a line down your own. He teasingly started at your throat before trailing down to your breasts. Of course he stayed there for a few minutes. You moaned out as his tongue toyed with the bud. You felt him put his knee in between your legs. You gasped and bit your lip. He smirked a little. He kept going, enjoying every reaction he got out of you. "M-Markus~" Hearing you say his name like that only made him even more turned on. His knee left your core and you were confused for a second. Before you could question it his hand was there. You gasped and bit your lips harder, trying not to be loud.

"Don't hold it in~" He told you.


"If it gets too much, I'll tell you. We won't get caught. Trust me." He assured you. You were uncertain, but you felt him rub you through your pants. You moaned again, not bothering to quiet yourself. He grinned. You kept moaning as he teased you.

"M-Markus...please..." You panted.

"Please what~?" He couldn't help stretching it a little bit more. His fingers dug a little deeper into the cloth separating them from your dripping core.

"P-please..mph~!!" You bit your lip again as he tortured you. He decided it was enough for him. He pulled the last two items off you and you gasped as his thumb rubbed little circles into your clit. Your arms wrapped around his neck to help support yourself. You had never known it was possible for you to feel like this, but you never wanted it to stop. You nearly screamed when you felt him shove two fingers into you. Your shut your eyes tight and whimpered, swallowing back the urge to scream out for him. You panted hard as he pumped them in and out of you. It was too much, yet not enough.

"You want more, beautiful~?" He asked. You nodded, unable to speak without screaming. His fingers left your core, giving you a short moment to breath. He bent down and you braced for what was going to come next. His tongue slipped inside of you and your nails dug into his shoulders as he continued. You whimpered your lip quivering. You wanted to scream, but you didn't want anyone to hear you. You bit your lip even harder as you felt yourself coming closer.

"M-Markus, I-I-...f-fuck~" You knew he understood, because he went faster. You covered your mouth as you came, silencing your scream. He left a little of it there for himself. You tried to calm down as you watched him pull down his pants. You could see his tent before he had them off. You grew nervous, unsure if you'd be able to stay quiet. His member lined up with you and your eyes met his.

"Ready?" He asked. You nodded. He pushed into you and your nails raked his back as he did. He hardly noticed. His hands slipped under your thighs as he picked you up. Your legs wrapped around his waist and your back pressed against the wall a bit harder as he let you adjust. He waited for a few more moments before thrusting in and out of you. You moaned as he did this. You tried to keep them as quiet as possible for as long as you could. He groaned at the feeling it gave him and he kissed your neck to help himself stay quiet. You felt him go faster.

"Ah!" You couldn't help letting one yelp escape. You bit down on his shoulder to keep yourself quiet. He didn't mind. It wouldn't hurt him anyway. He went faster and harder as time progressed. He stopped kissing your neck for a moment.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n), but we have to make this quick. Hang on tight, love~" He went fast and hard and you bit don harder to quiet your scream. This went on for a few minutes before you felt it. You gasped.

"M-Markus-" You didn't have time to tell him. You came and you bit down so hard some of his blood blue spilled out. He kept going as you came down from your high, your juices running down his cock. 

"(Y-Y/n)!" Markus growled as you felt him finish inside of you. He panted hard as he calmed down. You chuckled, still semi dazed as you kissed his cheek. He pulled out of you and held you up for a few moments until you could stand on your own. He kissed you and smiled at you.

"I love you. I can only hope we make it out of this tonight." He said, a worried frown replacing his smile. "I..I'm sorry if-" You kissed him again, cutting him off. You pulled away to look him in the eye.

"If I have to die tonight, I'll be happy knowing that I had these moments with you. I'll be happy if I die knowing that you love me." You kissed his nose. "I love you, Markus, no matter what." He smiled.

"I won't leave your side, I promise." He whispered. You smiled.

"So do I."

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