Chapter 14

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You were with your dogs. You were about to head out. You had an idea of how to help your people. You had heard from Rupert, who had indeed made it to Jericho, that there was a deviant hunter android out there. You wanted to go and find him. You had already called a local hotel to rent a room for at the most a week. Luckily, they allowed pets. You told your dogs to stay for now. They all sat down and waited patiently. You smiled and headed off to find Markus and tell him your plans.

You walked into the main compartment of the front of the ship. You found Josh and North there, but not Markus.

"Our broadcast is all over the news. Now humans know." Josh said.

"It was a mistake to reach out to them. They'll never negotiate with their slaves. We should have shown them that we're prepared to fight." North said.

"Violence is never the answer. Dialog is the only way, I'm sure the humans will listen to us." Josh said. He stood up. "Simon paid with his life." Josh said.

"Simon gave his life for our cause." North said. You frowned.

North Status: Neutral

"What difference does that make?" Josh said.

"He's a hero! He died for the revolution and he won't be the last!" North said.

"I don't want a revolution that spills blood!" Josh said.

"Then live as a slave!" North said, standing up to confront him. "Because if you're not willing to fight for your freedom, maybe you don't deserve it!" You were shocked.

"North, don't you dare-"

"STOP IT BOTH OF YOU THIS INSTANT!" You shouted. They looked over at you.

"She's right! That's enough!" You turned as you heard Markus. You nodded to him. They stopped fighting.

"And now what are we going to do?" North asked. You all looked to Markus.

"There are five Cyberlife stores across Detroit. All selling us like merchandise. We're going to attack those stores and set our people free." Markus said. You smiled. Then you frowned. You knew you had to tell Markus.

"Markus, can I talk to you for a sec?" You asked. He looked at you and nodded.

"Yes, of course." He said. North and Josh left. He turned to you. "Are you alright, (Y/n)?" He asked.

"Markus...I'm going on a mission of my own." You said.

"What? What do you mean mission?" He asked.

"Rupert told me about a deviant hunter android. I need to find him and make sure he doesn't hurt our people." You said.

"(Y/n) if you get found out, they will kill you." Markus said.

"It's a risk I'm willing to take." You said.

"It's not a risk I'm willing to take!" He said.

"Why? Since when has any of this been safe? We already lost Simon!" You said.

"And I don't want to lose anyone else!" He said.

"Markus, like it or not, I'm going." You said. "You have North and Josh. I need to help our people as well."

Jericho Status: Admired

"I'll come back and help you with operations if you need me, but I have to keep an eye out for this deviant hunter. If he takes out our people and we do nothing about it...what kind of people would that make us?" You asked. He frowned, thinking about it. "Jericho has you here. I'm sure you'll be fine Markus. You help our people here. I'll help whoever is trapped out there." You said. He sighed. He hugged you.

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