Chapter 23

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Third Person POV

"YOU'RE TELLING ME IT FUCKING GOT AWAY!?" Perkins yelled in outrage. He was on the phone with Captain Fowler. Hank and Connor were in the office too.

"I'm afraid it did. Androids broke into the department last night and helped it escape." He said. "I'm sorry Agent Perkins, but I have to go."

"NOW YOU LISTEN TO ME-" He hung up. Jeffery sighed, looking at Hank and Connor.

"Did either of you have anything to do with this?"

"No." Hank told him.

"No." Connor said after Hank. He sighed.

"It was all over the news. Deviants must have broke her out last night." He said. "You both are dismissed." They both left and Hank said nothing about her. Connor wondered how he felt about it. Connor didn't know how to feel. He hadn't wanted her to be destroyed, but her being free wasn't good either. He didn't understand why he was so conflicted. For Connor, that was another mystery all it's own.

Markus' POV

*The night before*

I was looking at the stars, alone. I sighed. I missed her watching the sunset with me. I was so overwhelmed with guilt. I wanted her to be alright. She didn't deserve to be dismantled. I thought about her. I thought about how she laughed and how she smiled. I admired how strong willed she was. I admired how she wanted to fight for her freedom peacefully, like me. I was going to give us our freedom. I had to. I wasn't going to let her down.

"I promise, (Y/n). I'll free us all. I promise." I said.

"Jeez, you sound so grim. Lighten up a little." I was shocked. I whipped around. I couldn't believe my eyes. She smiled at me. "Hey Markus. Miss me?" I smiled and instantly ran over to her. I hugged her.

"You got out!" I said.

"I had some help. I'll tell ya later." She said. "So, leader of Jericho, huh?" I nodded.

"Yeah. It's hard to do on my own. I'm glad I have Josh and North, but Josh is being a bit more helpful. North is still too..."

"Aggressive?" She finished.

"Yeah..." I said. We were both silent for a bit.

"I..I saw everything on the news. That was...really impressive." She said.

"Yeah. You too. Your voice is amazing."

"Wait what?" She asked.

"You don't know?" I asked.

"Know? Know what?" She asked.

"Somebody posted a video of you singing in your cell. Thousands wanted you to be freed, but it wasn't going to happen." I explained. 

"Really?" She asked. I nodded. 

"After everything that's happened, I think it would be best if I stayed here with you for a little while. You need some time to relax after everything that happened." She rolled her eyes at me, amused.

"Markus, I'm fine. You can't be dwelling on me. You have more important things to do." (Y/n) said.

"(Y/n), that's not-" She cut me off.

"You can't be focused on me. I understand we're friends, but I'm not more important than the revolution. You need to be there for our people, not one person." She said, beginning to leave and her back to me. She glanced back at me. "I'm glad you care. Really, I am, but you have more important things to focus on. You have to be their can't waist time on me." With that, she left. I sighed. You are important...why can't you see that?

Your POV

You left him there. What is wrong with you? Why did you just brush him off like that? Why are you locking him out? You asked yourself. You didn't know what you were doing anymore. You felt so lost. Still, you were sure of one thing. Your people were more important than your own desires. You had to brush him off...before he got too attached. You just couldn't take that chance of him choosing you over everything else. You just couldn't let him do that.

You went back into the ship and androids of all models alike were praising and giving you a hero's welcome. You'd become very well known globally thanks to the news and in Jericho you were practically a walking miracle. North and Josh were relieved you were alive and alright. You were too honestly. You thought you were spending your final hours, but a lucky news break had certainly saved you. You were a true hero to your people. You knew what that implied. Markus has his path and responsibilities. Now I have my own. It's impossible for us to choose each other. We have to keep going. For our people. For the benefit of everyone else. 

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