Chapter 11

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"Up!" You said with a smile. They both stood on their hind legs while little Neo tried to follow them, but fell flat on his belly. You giggled at him. 

"Good try Neo! And good work Sunny and Arrow!" You said. They got on all fours again. You thought of another trick. "Spin!" You said. They both spun around. Neo followed them, but he ended up chasing his tail until his fell over, dizzy. You laughed at the little pup. He would always try, but somehow do something and end up on the ground. He was adorable. Arrow had gone out and gotten food for him to eat. You'd removed Arrow's LED and Sunny's was removed as well. 

By looking into their memories, you found out all three of them were escaped zoo wolves. Neo's mother had died giving birth to him and the rest of the litter. The other two pups died and Neo was going to be put down, but Sunny and Arrow wanted to protect him. Neo's father died trying so they all ran away together. They'd been living on the streets for days. Neo needed a home. He couldn't keep traveling around like that. He was still too young. You were glad to give them a home. 

You pet the three of them and they licked your happily, showering you with affection. You laughed as Arrow and Sunny licked your face while Neo hopped up on your lap and put his paws on your chest. He joined in, licking your chin. You fell over and the three wolves nuzzled you happily. You laughed harder. North came over.

"I see you're having fun." She said.

"They always do that. I can't really control them in that aspect." You chuckled, sitting up. She smiled a little.

"I guess they aren't so bad." She said. You smiled.

North Status: Friend

"They'll make good attack dogs during fights." You frowned.

"Fights? Who said we were going to fight anyone?" You asked.

"The humans. We can't let them win." North said.

"I'm not going to attack them. That's not right. If we fight them with cold blood we're no better than them. I going with what Markus decides. If he decides to fight them...then I'll trust him, but I don't want a war." You said. You began to head out. "Sunny! Make sure Neo gets more water! I'll be back later!" You called. She barked in reply and you smiled as you headed up to the top of the ship.

You smiled at the view. It really was nice up there. You sighed happily. At last, things were going okay. It still wasn't the best set up, but things were getting better. After nearly half a year with Mitch, things were going your way.

"I thought I'd find you up here." You turned. You smiled.

"Hey Markus." You greeted. "So, what brings the pride of Jericho up here to me?" You said teasingly. He chuckled.

"I wanted to talk to you. I figured you out of everybody else would listen the best." He said. You looked over at him.

"I hope you aren't gonna tell some long boring story." You joked. He chuckled again.

"Very funny." He replied. "No, I just wanted to talk to somebody."

"Well then, I'm all ears." You said. He smiled, standing next to you and looking out at the view. Then he sighed. You listened, waiting for him to begin.

"I didn't expect to come to Jericho and start gaining authority like this. I thought it would be different here. I thought we would actually be...'free', you know?" He asked. You nodded.

"I have to admit, it isn't what I was expecting either." You agreed. "I'm glad you found your way here though, Markus. You've really helped us all. I...I can't thank you enough." You said. He smiled at you. 

"You don't have to thank me, (Y/n). If it wasn't for you, who knows. I might not have been here." He said. You blushed a little. 

"It was nothing, honest." You said. You looked at him. "Markus..." You met his eyes. You wanted to say it...but you knew it could never happen. "I'm glad you're my friend, Markus." You hugged him. He was a little stunned, but he hugged back.

" too, (Y/n)." He said. You both broke apart, not meeting the other's gaze. 

"I better get back to the wolves before Neo gets into trouble." You said. You began to walk away. "I'll talk to you later." You said and left. You sighed. What is wrong with me? Why can't I say it? You wondered. A tear rolled down your cheek. No. He's important now. He's got harder things to deal with. You told yourself. I can't be his main concern. It''s better this way. Jericho is safer this way.

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