Chapter 57

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You returned home with Markus and you whistled for your wolves. They were the only ones you trusted as of the moment. They all hurried over to you, tails wagging and tongues hanging out. Neo was nearly as big as Sunny now. You smiled a little at the three of them. You knelt down and pet them all.

"How are my wolves?" You asked. They all barked happily, making you chuckle. "Good. You guys wanna go for a walk?" You asked. They all yipped excitedly. You chuckled again. "Alright, let's go!" You said. You knew you still had to tell Markus you were leaving otherwise he'd come looking for you. "Markus! I'm taking the wolves for a walk!" You called.

"Be back soon, alright?" He called.

"Sure thing!" You said and then you left with your pets. They trotted along in front of you and you followed them along. Soon you made it to the park. You sat down on a bench facing the bay as the wolves played in the little park behind you. You stared at the water ahead, deep in thought. You thought over the most recent memory. It seemed so real yet...unreal at the same time. Was that real? Was I really trapped in that place? Am I just going insane? You wondered.

"Surprised to find you here." You looked over as the familiar grumbling voice of Hank grabbed your attention.

"Oh. Hey Hank. You come here often?" You asked.

"I used too. Not so much anymore." He said. You nodded, deciding not to press him about the matter. He sat down next to you and looked out at the water. "Great view, ain't it?" He asked. You looked over at him.

"Yeah... Yeah, I guess so." You replied. He looked at you.

"You okay, (Y/n). You seem...different." He said. You sighed.

"I don't know anything anymore. Nobody can tell me what happened and it's all...unsettling. How people look at me. How Markus treats me. It's like I'm a fragile box that if they drop it they risk breaking whatever is inside. But how much more broken can I possibly be? I don't remember anything. What I do remember isn't helpful or good things, and nobody is saying anything. I just...I can't trust anybody without knowing anything about them. I can't even trust myself anymore." You said. He looked unsure of what to say to you. "Why did you all save me?"

"What?" He asked, stunned by your question. 

"Why did you fix me? Bringing me back has only caused even more pain. What was the point, Hank? I'm not needed here. Markus is the leader of Jericho, you have Connor, and I don't see why I'm so important. Besides, whatever importance I had I don't even remember it. Why did you all decide to save me?" You asked.

"Because we care about ya! What do you think we wanted you to die!?" He snapped.

"If you wanted me alive then explain why I remember a gun shot!?" You yelled. He froze. You knew he knew something. "Who shot me, huh Hank?" You hissed. He stayed silent. You rolled your eyes. "That's what I thought." You got up and began to leave.

"Connor shot you." You stopped dead in your tracks.

"What?" You asked.

"He was being controlled by Cyberlife and he was aiming for Markus. You jumped in and...the shot hit you instead." He said. You were shocked. The memory came flooding back. You remembered jumping in front of his line of fire. After that...everything was still a blur. Hank got up and walked over to you. "If I could tell you about who you are, I would've done it already. All of us would have. Don't go yelling and blaming people for things you don't understand, kid. You might have more reasons not to trust us right now, but we have every reason to want to keep you froming doin' somethin' you'll regret." He said and with that, Hank walked away. You stood there, shocked. You thought about what he said. I don't know what to believe anymore.

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