Chapter 70

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You woke up the next morning and you noticed that Markus wasn't there with you. You guessed he was already up and decided to let you rest. You got up, stretched, and quickly went to the bathroom. There was no need to get undressed thanks to the night before. You hopped into the shower and turned on the faucet. You might have been an android, but you still cared about how clean your body was. You washed your hair and your body while humming quietly to yourself. After you were done, you hopped out and dried yourself off. You got dressed and headed downstairs. You looked around for Markus. He wasn't anywhere. You grew concerned but you saw a note on the door. You looked at it.

'Morning, beautiful. Sorry I missed you, but I had some things I needed to do. See you tonight, okay? I love you. -Markus'

You smiled, relaxing as you read it. You chuckled to yourself and headed to the living room to watch some movies. You relaxed all day with the quick break to feed Neo and play with the three of them.

You were watching the 4th movie of the day when you heard the door open and close. Markus soon entered the living room. You smiled.

"Hey Marky." You greeted. He smiled at you.

"Hey (Y/n). Have a relaxing day?" He asked. You nodded, wrapping your arms around him to pull him closer. He smiled at you. 

"I missed you. What did you have to do?" He blushed a little.

" have been doing some things for us to enjoy tonight." He said.

"Wait..what?" You asked.

"(Y/n), I want to go on an actual date with you." He said. You were stunned. "So...I may have gotten some things for you and I have a place for us to go and...I you want to go?" He asked. You smiled and kissed the bridge of his nose.

"I'd love that." You said. He smiled.

"Really?" He asked. You smiled and nodded.

"Of course. I'd go anywhere with you." You replied. He hugged you.

"You um...don't mind if we just go casual, right?" He asked. You chuckled.

"Like I own any dresses?" You asked. He chuckled. 

"Okay. We'll go tonight." He said. You smiled.

"Until then, wanna watch a movie with me? It's all I've been doing." You said.

"Sure." He replied. You both sat down together and relaxed. You couldn't wait for the date.


You both headed out together and you enjoyed the walk you both had. You both talked about a lot and laughed at certain memories you both had. After awhile, you made it to the park. You smiled. It looked beautiful. Markus took your hand.

"Come on. I wanna show you something." He said. You gladly followed him. You saw that a small gazebo was lit up with a golden lights and had flowers everywhere. You both hurried over and you felt like you were going to explode with joy.

"You did this for me?" You asked. He nodded. You smiled. You kissed him. He looked surprised for a short moment before kissing back. You pulled away shortly after.

"I love you." You told him. He kissed you again. After that one ended he repeated the words back to you.

"I love you too." You both hugged for awhile until he pulled back and asked, "Care to dance?" You chuckled.

"It would be my pleasure." You replied. He grinned and took your hand. You both danced together. Music wasn't needed for once. You loved it. You laughed happily as he gently swung you around and dipped you.

"Enjoying yourself?" He teased

"Since when did you learn to dance?" You asked. He chuckled. You both kept going until you started dancing a bit slower, bodies against each other. You wrapped your arms around his neck and his gently pulled you closer by your waist. You stared into his eyes, a soft smile on your lips. He smiled back at you, just as much warmth and love shimmering in his gaze. You felt your heart beat strong against your chest. His seemed to be doing the same, both in perfect sync. He removed one arm from around your waist and moved it to cup your cheek.

"You beautiful, (Y/n)." He said. You blushed a little.

"I look like this everyday." You said. He began to lean in.

"Exactly." He whispered, before gently pressing his lips against yours. You kissed back, your heart speeding up. You loved this feeling. It was something you never thought you would ever feel. It always left you breathless and longing for more. That's why you loved it so much. What made it better, was you had the perfect man to share it with. He pulled away a few minutes later. You noticed his nervous expression.

"Markus?" You asked curiously. He sighed.

"(Y/n), there's something I need to do." He said. You tilted your head, confused. He let go of you and you watched, confused at first, but it slowly started to click with you. He reached into his pocket and held something in his hand. "(Y/n), I have never met somebody like you. When I thought I lost you the first time, I regretted more than anything not telling you how I felt. I wanted to hold you in my arms so badly those few days. When you told me you loved me back, I had never been so happy in my life. Even in the face of death you stayed by my side. You never doubted me. You loved me even when I didn't deserve it. I was just an android who dreamed of a better future and got lucky winning freedom for androids. That night....I had never felt so much pain. Seeing you nearly die in my broke me. When there was a chance to save you, I swore I would do whatever it took. I swore that no matter what I would be there for you. Even without your memory, I knew the real you was still there. I felt like you didn't love me anymore, so I almost gave up. I gave up on myself. Now, you're back. you're here and you're still with me. I know it hasn't been long, but I swear to you I will never give up again. (Y/n), what I'm trying to ask is..." He got down on one knee and you were even more speechless now as he opened the little box.

" He got down on one knee and you were even more speechless now as he opened the little box

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"Will you marry me?" You were crying so hard. You felt like you were going to break down any second. You latched onto him, falling to your knees.

"Y-yes!" You whimpered, your voice hoarse with emotion. He hugged you tighter than even. He let out a shaky sigh of relief. 

"I-I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." You replied just as softly. He slipped it onto your finger and you both stayed there for the rest of the night, eventually falling asleep under the stars.

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