Chapter 58

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You let the wolves inside and they all scampered away to go take a nap together. You walked to the living room, eyes dim and shoulders sagging. You laid down on the couch and hid your face in the pillows. You thought about everything. You began to come to terms with what was really happening. I'm not insane...I'm becoming a monster. You thought about the anger and rage you had begun to throw against the people around you. You felt so helpless. You didn't know how to stop it. Tears welled up in your eyes. How can they still care? I'm not the same person anymore. I'm becoming a monster. I AM a monster. You began to cry into the pillow. You broke down, the emotions you were feeling becoming too much for you. You felt so awful. I don't even know who I am anymore.

Markus' POV

I saw Arrow, Sunny, and Neo hurry into the bedroom. They all looked upset. I was confused. 

"You guys okay?" I asked. 

"(Y/n) not doing well. We're worried about her." Sunny explained. I nodded. 

"I'll talk to her. Thanks for telling me." I said. They nodded and all climbed into the large dog bed. I walked downstairs to go see her. I was worried about her myself. She was having so much trouble that it was causing her to become violent and fearful. I wanted to help her more than anything, but she wouldn't let me. I wanted her to let me in, but for some reason she refused to say anything to me. It was only making me more worried. It made me feel helpless. She was my responsibility and I was failing her. What could I do? Nothing? I couldn't just do nothing. I had to do something. She couldn't understand it and there was no way for me to help her with that. I wanted to, but how could I? All I wanted was for her to be happy, but was a losing battle. What more could I do for her? I didn't know. 

I walked in and found her crying while laying down on the couch. I hurried over to her. I tried to reach out for her, but she heard me coming.

"NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME!" She screamed. I was shocked and scared. She had never acted like this before. I could see through the anger in her tear filled eyes. She was scared, confused, lost. I reached out for her again.

"'s okay (Y/n). I just want to talk to you, okay?" I said.

"Just go away!" She yelled. I wasn't going to give up so easily. Not this time.

"No." I said. She looked confused.

"What?" She asked.

"I said no. I'm not leaving you." I said. She glared at me.

"Why not? What's the point of trying to help me anymore?" She growled.

"The point of staying is to help you! I'm not gonna let you dig this hole for yourself!" I said.

"WHY NOT!? WHY DO YOU CARE?!" She yelled, the rage flashing in her eyes. Her emotions were at war. It was all knew to her. I had to help her. I wasn't going to quit. Not ever. 

"(Y/n), listen to yourself! Do you even hear what you're saying!?" 

"I can hear myself very clearly! Can you!?" She snarled. This was only getting worse.

"(Y/n) stop it! I can't help you if you won't let me!" I said.


"No! I promised you I would help you! What's more than that, I promised MYSELF I would help you! And I'm not about to break that promise now!" I said.

"Well maybe you should!" She snapped back.

"Why are you so determined to hurt yourself like this!?" 

"Why are YOU so determined to supposedly 'save me'!?"

"Because I care about you!"

"WHY!? Why do you care about me!? What aspect of this could be SO IMPORTANT!?" She yelled, gesturing to herself.

"Why can't you see what I see!?"

"BECAUSE I'M NOT LIKE YOU, MARKUS!!" She screamed. She'd finally had enough. "I'm not like anyone of you... Even if I was I'm not anymore... Everything's changed." She cried. "So leave. Get away from me. I'm only causing more pain, so stop trying before you get more hurt than you already are." She harshly wiped her tears away and then she ran. I reached out, calling after her.

"(Y/N)! WAIT!" Too late. She was already out the door. I felt my heart breaking. I collapsed on the couch, hunched over and my face in my hands as my own eyes started welling up with tears. "W-why can't I help you?"

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