Chapter 24

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You sighed. You were in a random room, wanting to be alone for a bit. You didn't know what to feel. You didn't know what to do. Was this right? Were you doing the right thing? You didn't want to push him away, but you had too, right? Tears slid down your face at the pain you felt. You didn't know it was possible for you to feel this way. You soon stood up and left the room, wiping your tears away.

You went down to the main area. You looked around, trying to find your pets. You heard a bark. You followed it and smiled as you saw them all playing with some of the children there. You giggled. 

You walked over and they all looked at you. The children looked pleased. They all gathered around you with excited laughs and smiles.

"(Y/n), can you tell us a story?" A little girl asked. You smiled and nodded. You sat down and Neo hopped into your lap.

"What kind of story do you guys want?" You asked. 

"Anything!" They all yelled. You laughed a little. You thought about it.

"Okay. I think I've got a good one." You said. They all listened with eagerly. "Years ago, there was this little girl. She lived alone it a tree house she'd build for herself. One day, two people arrived in the forest where she lived. Her animal friends warned her of the danger. She had heard the stories of humans. They were vicious creatures who showed little mercy. They terrified her. What the little girl didn't know, was that these two humans were starving and lost. They spotted her tree house, but there was no way into it. The little girl had pulled in the ladder so they couldn't reach her. They called up to her, asking her if she had any food or water. She said yes, but that she couldn't share it. The two humans talked to her and the more they did, the more she realized that the humans were friendly and they needed her help. She let them in and the two humans gratefully thanked her for her kindness. They asked her why she was out there all alone. She told them 'I am an android who has run away. This was my only option.' The humans both looked at each other and had the same idea. The woman asked the little girl 'would you like to come with us?' The little girl was so happy. She had a family from that day forward. And it just goes to show, a little kindness goes a long way." You said. They all smiled happily.

"But humans wouldn't do that in real life, would they?" A little boy asked. You shrugged.

"It all depends. I know that there are people out there who would want all of you. You just have to find them." You said. They all looked really happy. They thanked you for the story and went back to playing.

You stood up and nodded, satisfied with yourself. You turned around and paused. You saw Markus standing there. You took a moment to think of what to say.

"Hello, Markus." You greeted.

"That was quite the story." He said. You shrugged.

"I just thought of it off the top of my head." You said.

"Why would you tell them humans would like them?" He asked. 

"As much as we've been treated wrong by them, they are good people out there. I've seen it. Not all humans hate us." You said. Markus smiled a little.

"I know that. When I lived with my human, he was rather generous to me." He seemed to get an idea. He grabbed your hand. "Come with me." He said. You were confused, but he pulled you along and soon you were up on the top of the boat again. "(Y/n)...I...I have to tell you something." He said. You were confused. "For awhile now I've felt...complete around you. I've been trying to show you this for awhile, but..I just didn't know how. I want to get you so much more than this life of hiding and then taking a stand and then hiding all over again. I want to give you a world where we can be together. I know I need you in order for us to win our freedom, but...I never want to lose you. I thought I lost you before...I don't want to feel that again. I love you, (Y/n)." He said. You were shocked. "Please...allow me this one indulgence." He said. Before you could react, he kissed you. You were stunned, but you soon kissed back, not caring about anything else. Your arms wrapped around him and his wrapped around you. You soon broke apart and you smiled at him.

"Markus, I love you too, but...we can't focus on each other right now. You know that as much as I do. If it comes to us or our people..." He cupped your cheek.

"I know. I never want it to come down to that, darling. But I promise that no matter how this ends, we'll stay together." He said. You kissed his cheek.

"I love you, Markus." 

"I love you too, (Y/n)."

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