Chapter 45

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Connor's POV

I had arrived at the Cyberlife Tower. The window of the taxi rolled down as I was met with a soldier standing there.

"Connor Model #313 248 317. I'm expected." I told him. 

"Identification successful." The computer said. The soldier nodded.

"Okay." He said. I was let in. I was relieved. I can do this. I thought. I soon got out of the taxi and walked into the building. Soldiers were there, ready for me to arrive.

"Follow me. We'll escort you." The lead soldier said.

"Thanks, but I know where to go." I said.

"Maybe, but I have my orders." He replied. Damn it. I thought. I had to follow along for now. I followed them along until we got the elevator. 

"Agent 54, level 31." I looked at the panel. I had to get to sublevel 49. I needed to find a way to stop the guards, but how? I looked around. I spotted a camera. I hacked into it and disabled it. I began to preconstruct how I could take down the guards. If I went for the one on my left first I could do it. 

I attacked him and as I did I kicked the other soldier back. I fought both of them and shot them. I kept the gun with me and went over to the panel. I accessed it.

"Please indicate your identity and destination." I disguised my voice to match the agent's.

"Agent 54. Level sub 49." I said. 

"Access authorized." I was relieved that it had worked. It took me down and I waited until I came to a stop. The doors opened and I walked out. I hacked into it so nobody could follow me down. Countless androids were there. It would be an easy shot from here. I had done it, I thought. I walked up to an android. I looked at my hand as the skin faded away. I grabbed his wrist and began converting him, but then...

"Easy, fucking piece of shit!" I heard a voice and turned. I was stunned. It was Hank and...another version of myself. 

"Step back, Connor! And I'll spare him." He ordered me.

"Sorry, Connor." Hank said to me. "This bastard's your spittin' image."

"Your friend's life is in your hands! Now it's time to decide what matters most! Him or the revolution!" The other me said.

"Don't listen to him. Everything this fucker says is a lie!" Hank said.

"I used to be just like you. I thought nothing mattered except the mission. But then one day I understood." I said, trying to convince him. He looked at me like I was stupid.

"Very moving, Connor. But I'm not a deviant! I'm a machine designed to accomplish a task, and that's exactly what I'm going to do!" He growled. I had to think. I looked at him and then Hank. I knew I couldn't trust his word.

"If I surrender, how do I know you won't kill him?" I asked.

"I'll only do what is strictly necessary to accomplish my mission. It's up to you whether or not that includes killing this human." He replied. "Enough talk! It's time to decide who you really are! Are you gonna save your partner's life? Or are you going to sacrifice him?" I knew my choices. I just couldn't do it.

"Alright, alright." I said, putting my hands up. "You win." He pointed the gun at me, but Hank reacted instantly. He grabbed his arm and directed the gun away from me. I hurried to help him. I fought the other Connor and the gun was knocked away. We fought each other, but then I heard Hank yell,

"Hold it!" We both turned and stopped. He had the gun and he looked like he wasn't messing around. With Hank, I knew that he most likely wasn't joking. We both got up and slowly stepped away from each other. Then, the other Connor pulled something really sneaky. 

"Thanks Hank. I don't know how I would've managed without you. Get rid of him, we have no time to lose!" Hank looked like he didn't trust either of us. I couldn't blame him. It would've been hard us being exactly alike, well, other than me being a deviant. To avoid confusion, I will call the other Connor 'Conner' from this point on. 

"It's me, Hank. I'm the real Connor." I said, glaring at Conner.

"One of you is my partner. The other is a sack of shit." Hank growled. He's the sack of shit. I thought. I usually didn't swear, but first off I was copying what Hank said and second...I think we can all make an exception for this account. "Question is, who is who?" Hank said, keeping the gun trained on both of us.

"What are you doing, Hank? I'm the real Connor. Give me the gun and I'll take care of him!" Conner said.

"Don't move!" Hank yelled at him. I had to think of something. I got an idea.

"Why don't you ask us something? Something only the real Connor would know." I said. He thought about it. 

"Uh, where did we first meet?" Hank asked. I was about to answer, but Conner beat me to it.

"Jimmy's bar! I checked four other bars before I found you! We went to the scene of a homicide. The victim's name was Carlos Ortiz." He said. I was stunned.

"He uploaded my memory..." I saw Hank was still uncertain. I still had a chance. I had to convince him that it was me. 

"What's my dog's name?" Hank asked. I knew the answer to that one easily. 

"Sumo! His name is Sumo!" I said.

"I knew that too!" Conner protested. I felt a hint of annoyance at the copy beside me. Hank had one last question for us. 

"My son, what's his name?" I knew exactly what to say.

"Cole. His name was Cole. And he had just turned six at the time of the accident. It wasn't your fault, Lieutenant. A truck skidded on a sheet of ice and your car rolled over. Cole needed emergency surgery but no human was available to do it. So an android had to take care of him. Cole didn't make it. That's why you hate androids. You think one of us is responsible for your son's death." I said. Hank seemed less hostile toward me now.

"Cole died because a human surgeon was too high on red ice to operate. He was the one that took my son from me. Him and this world, where the only way people can find comfort is with a fistful of powder." Hank said.

"I knew about your son too!" Hank looked at Conner. "I would've said exactly the same thing!" I knew that look Hank was giving him. I had done it. "Don't listen to him, Hank, I'm the one who-" Hank fired and Conner collapsed on the ground. I felt relieved. I was safe and it was over. Hank turned to me with a smile.

"I've learned a lot since I met you, Connor. Maybe there's somethin' to this. Maybe you really are alive. Maybe you'll be the ones to make the world a better place." I felt joy inside of myself. 

Hank Status: ^^^

"Go ahead, and do what you gotta do." I nodded to him and converted the androids there. I had done it. Now, I had to get back. I had to help Markus, (Y/n), and the others. I'm coming guys. Just hold on a little longer.

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