Chapter 22

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Markus' POV

I was watching the news again. We couldn't make a move until we found out if (Y/n) was either out of her cell or....dead. If we did, we risked them slaughtering her. I couldn't risk that, even though the odds were against her already.

"We have reports for police about the fate of the captured android." I sat up, instantly interested. "It appears that during it's questioning, it was not hostile and rather friendly to the human and prototype android detective question it. The prototype and the human were who the android had staged working with, but neither of them had any clue that their FBI partner had lied and wasn't an agent at all." I don't care about that! What's going to happen to her!? "It seems from reports the android is going to be given to Cyberlife, analyzed and then destroyed tomorrow afternoon. Reports have also said that the Lieutenant that had been working with the detective and the lying android had said to keep the android alive for further questioning. Nobody knows why he was so persistent, but it seems it was to no avail. Despite everything that's happened and the support this android has gotten, it seems it really has reached it's final hours." I was shocked. I had been so hopeful that maybe, just maybe they'd let her go. I felt awful. I was going to lose her...before I could tell her. I sat there, alone and grief stricken. (Y/n)...I'm sorry...I nevr should've let this happen to you.

Arrow's POV

Sunny, Neo, and I had been watching the news in Jericho. We were horrified. We couldn't let (Y/n) get destroyed. Hank and Connor were good. We would need help getting into the station, but we couldn't talk to Hank and, while we all liked Connor, after what happened, we couldn't go to him either. 

We all thought of what to do. Then, Neo yipped excitedly.

"Mama! Papa! I have an idea!" He said.

"What is it?" Sunny asked.

"I saw a android lady dressed like a police woman here not too long ago! I bet I can sniff her out!" He said.

"Brilliant! Go find her, son!" I said. He led the way and soon enough we found her. I talked to her. "Miss, our owner is in danger! She's going to be given to Cyberlife. Will you help us get into the Police Department?" I asked. She smiled. She nodded.

"I was the one who put up her video. I thought it would help her, but it wasn't enough. She freed me, so I'll help you!" She said. We nuzzled her happily.

"Okay, here's the plan."

*4 hours later*

We all hurried to the station. We made it there. The android lady, we found out was named Yasmen, hacked into the alarms and shut them down. We hurried inside. The cameras were down. 

"Follow me!" She whispered. We hurried off. When we arrived there, we found the door was locked. She hacked it and we quickly went to find (Y/n). I used my night vision and found her.

"(Y/n)!" I said, tail wagging. She looked up and over toward me.

"Arrow!? What are doing here!? How did you get in here!?" She asked quietly.

"Long story! Let's get you OUT of here!" I said. Yasmen hacked the door and I looked at the cuffs. I growled in frustration. 

"We need the key." Sunny said.

"The key is in Captain Fowler's office, but I don't know if that will be easy to hack." Yasmen said.

"We've gotta try!" I said. "Yasmen and I will get the key. Sunny will stay here with (Y/n). Neo will come upstairs and warn us if anything happens or anyone comes in." I said.

"Got it!" Neo said.

"Let's go!" Yasmen agreed. We hurried off. It took her some time and effort to hack the office door, but we got it! She quickly went in and grabbed the keys. We hurried back down to the basement. Yasmen got her out and we all ran out of the station. We'd done it.

"You are all insane, you know that!?" (Y/n) laughed happily as we raced away.

"It's all I can do to repay you!" Yasmen said.

"Same here!" Sunny said.

"Indeed!" I agreed.

"Next stop, JERICHO! WE'RE HOME FREE!" Neo howled happily.


"FREEDOM!!!" (Y/n) yelled.

"Yes!! Haha!" Yasmen laughed.

"WE DID IT!! AHWOOOOHOOOO!!" Sunny howled in delight.

"I hope Markus isn't gonna be too surprised! Hahaha!" (Y/n) laughed as we all happily ran away into the night.

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