Chapter 56

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You left Kamski's with Markus. You were still shaking from your outburst. You felt something was wrong. Something was happening. W-what's happening to me? You wondered. You stared at your shaking hands. You could hear it. You knew it was there. The memory. The feeling. The fear. You remembered the sound of a gunshot. You remembered the feeling of fading away to the black oblivion you had been in before. The place between life and death. It was there. It was real.


Markus' voice disappeared. You heard nothing. You felt nothing. You were next to dead, but something was keeping you alive. Something was still tethering you to life, so here you were. Stuck in between life and death. You opened your eyes. You looked around. Darkness. It was the only thing to greet you. 

You felt yourself hyperventilating. What's going on!? Where am I!? LET ME OUT!! You wanted to scream, but your voice didn't work here. You could only open your mouth in a silent scream. Tears rushed down your face. It felt like something was crushing the air out of you. H-help me! I can't breath! S-SOMEBODY SAVE ME!! 

You suddenly felt the pain all stop. Numbness washed over you. You stopped, your body freezing up before shutting down. You fell back, if that was possible in the dark abyss you were trapped in. You body limp and all feelings erased. You seemed to float there, stuck for eternity. Your eyes became heavy and they closed. You mind became blank and it also was filled with darkness. Time didn't exist here, so how much had passed wasn't determinable. 

Nothing. Nothing was there. Nothing was happening. Nothing was real. Nothing was the only thing that seemed to exist. The abyss was empty. Your body was still and limp. You couldn't even feel your own heartbeat. Were you dead? Was this the place androids went after death? No. Something was different. Then, you heard a noise. You heard a beep. Just one small noise. Then, your eyes became less heavy. Your eyelids twitched. Feeling slowly came back into your body. You began to power on. Your eyes opened as you were greeted by a blinding light. I am alive. But something is missing...

*End Flashback*

Your hands were shaking harder now. You could still feel the same terror you had felt in that world of nothing. The pain. That crushing pain. The crippling fear, it was all so real. You hadn't even remembered where you were and who was with you at that moment. Something called you back to reality.

"(Y/n)!" You gasped, looking up. Markus' mismatched eyes met your own. He looked worried. You were breathing hard. You didn't really need air to live, but if felt more natural since it had been built into androids to 'breath' to make you more human like. "(Y/n) are you okay? I've been trying to talk to you for 3 minutes. Is something wrong? Did you remember something?" He asked. You were still shaking. 

Tell Markus the Truth?

You swallowed hard and looked at him. N-no...I-I can't. You forced yourself to stop shaking.

"N-no..I-I didn't remember anything. I just...felt bad... Lost in thought." You said. His hand went to your cheek. You stared at him, stunned. His thumb wiped across your skin gently. You then realized he was wiping away the tears you now knew had been there. 

"(Y/n), please talk to me." He said. You felt the urge to speak out to him. To wail and cry and beg for comfort, but something held you back. It was the realization of the small bit of information your mind had just registered. His voice had been the final thing you'd heard. You remembered none of what he had been saying, but the fear that Markus may have had something to do with your death like experience made you weary of him.

"I'll be fine. It's nothing, promise." You said, giving him a reassuring smile. He relaxed and nodded.

"Okay." He said. "But please remember I'm always here for you." You felt yourself locking him out.

"Yeah. Okay. Whatever you say." You didn't know who to trust anymore. You knew nothing about Markus anymore. You knew nothing about anyone. I have no clue what happened to myself. I was trapped in that devoid place for nine days. I'm the only person I can trust until they prove otherwise to me. I'm on my own.

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