Chapter 67

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(WARNING! Mature content ahead!)

It was getting late. You had the fire going and Zora curled up around you as you sat cross-legged, facing the dancing flames. You smiled.

"Thanks Zora." You said. She barked, her tail sweeping around and pulling you closer to her huge form. You chuckled. You cuddled up against her and sighed happily. "Night Zora." You said. She licked your cheek and you chuckled before going into sleep mode.

Zala's POV

I peeked downstairs to check on the two. They were asleep in front of the fire. I smiled. I was glad (Y/n) was beginning to recover. I headed back upstairs to my Ralphy. I spotted him getting a mattress ready for us. He blushed as I walked in.

"R-Ralph just want Zala to sleep well. R-Ralph...want the best for Zala." He said with a shy smile. I knew he had no idea why I had wanted to stay up here with him. I wanted to make up for being gone so long. He honestly deserved better than me, but if he loved me, than I couldn't complain about that. I actually had some surprises for him first. 

"Thanks Ralph." I saw, kissing his nose. He smiled warmly at me. "I..I have some surprises for you, Ralph." I said. He looked curious.

"You...did something for Ralph?" He asked. I nodded. I pulled him into another room and I grabbed my surprise. While Ralph had been out...hunting again, I had crept away and gotten him some brand new fully functional parts. I showed them to him and he looked shocked.

"I..I got them for you." I said, blushing. He smiled, clearly overwhelmed by my kind gesture. He hugged me.

"Ralph loves you so much, Zala." He said. I chuckled.

"Zala loves Ralph even more." I replied.

"Impossible. Ralph loves Zala more than anything." He said semi factually. I laughed at little.

"Call it a tie, then." I said. He smiled.

"As Zala wishes." He replied, holding me close. I smiled.

"Come on, let's get you fixed up." He nodded happily. I helped fix him and he smiled when I was finished. We couldn't get rid of the burn marks, but I didn't mind. I still thought he looked perfect. We hugged each other for a long time. I pulled back after a little bit to look him in the eyes. 

"Zala?" he asked semi nervous. I chuckled.

"Relax Ralph." I said softly. I kissed him. He kissed back happily. I felt my heart beat faster. The kiss escalated and I moaned into it. I felt my body start to heat up. I shivered in excitement. I had never done this before, so you can understand why I was both eager and nervous.

The kiss broke and I smiled at him. I giggled at his flushed face. He looked happy too though.

"R-Ralph...missed that." He said. I smiled.

"So did I." I breathed. He smiled at me.

"Zala...Ralph has a...weird feeling." He said. 

"Describe it too me, Ralphy." I said, my nimble fingers playing with the ends of his hair.

"It feels...warm...a nice type of warm, but...also like...Ralph...needs something to help calm it down." He said. I smiled.

"I know what you need, honey." I said.

"You do?" He asked. I nodded.

"Come with me, Ralphy." I said. I pulled him toward the other room and I sat down on the mattress with him. He looked confused.

"What does this have to do with the weird feeling?" He asked. I chuckled.

"Just trust me, Ralph." I replied. He nodded.

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