Chapter 62

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You stayed with Zala and Zora. You liked them. They were really nice once you got to know them. You noticed that Zora's one foot was missing and replaced with a spiked ball. You were confused by this.

"Zala, what happened to her back paw?" You asked.

"Z-Zlatko was n-not a man of mercy. H-he was v-very creative." She hissed the word, her calm voice becoming cold. You heard Zora growl slightly too. You frowned.

"I'm sorry you both had to suffer through that." You said. She sighed.

"Zlatko s-suffered for his ac-actions against us." She said. You felt a little uneasy with that information, but you understood why they would be aggressive toward the man who tortured them. Zora laid down next to you and you smiled. You pet her and you all enjoyed the peace together. 

Suddenly, her head raised. You were confused. You looked toward the entrance of the cave. You didn't see anything, but maybe she could hear something you couldn't. She stood up, growling. Zala looked nervous.

"(Y/n), c-c-come over here." She said. You hurried over to her and Zora's growling got louder. You saw three figures ahead. She launched out of the cave. You were stunned, but saw who it was. 

"ZORA! WAIT!" She heard your shout and stopped. The three of them looked nervous, but then confused. You hurried after Zora and came face to face with the one person you didn't want to see.

"(Y/n)? You're here? With..that?" He asked looking at Zora. You rolled your eyes.

"Her name is Zora and yes. Now if you don't mind I would appreciate if you left." You said. You tried to ignore the hurt flashing in his eyes.

"(Y/n)...please...come home." 

"W-w-what is going on?" Zala asked. Markus looked shocked by her. You sighed.

"Don't even make a comment, Markus." You warned. He didn't say anything.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry. I just want you to come home." He said.

"I'm not going back." You said.

"Why? Why are you so determined to leave?" He asked.

"Because it will be better then! None of you need me around and I'm just causing more problems because of my memory loss! Why do you want me around?" You asked. Zala and Zora had backed off by now, knowing not to interfere. 

"I care about you! I don't want to lose you, okay!? That's why I was pushing so hard! Because...I can't handle you being gone." He said. You were stunned. You didn't know what to say. You didn't want to go with him just yet. You didn't know what to do.

"I need time to think Markus. If I don't come home in two days...then don't bother coming back." You said. He looked sad, but he knew not to start another argument. They began to leave.

"(Y/n), please think about it." He said before leaving with Sunny and Arrow. You watched him leave. You felt bad. You felt like you wanted to go with him, but you also felt that you just couldn't. As they disappeared you went back into the cave and sat down. You didn't want to talk to anyone. The longer you sat there, the more it hurt. Soon, tears made their way down your face as you started crying again. Zora padded over and wrapped her large tail around you. She nuzzled you. You latched onto her, continuing to cry. Zala came over as well.

"Why d-do you not want to g-g-go with h-h-h-h-h-him?" She asked.

"I was damaged and lost all memories of him and the rest of my friends. hurts so much knowing I can't do anything about it and they're all left to suffer because of it. I just wanted to be normal. Why do I have to get the most complicated life out of everyone?" You asked sadly. 

"(Y/n), l-l-look at yourself, t-t-then take-ake a long look at Zora-a and m-myself." Zala said. You looked at both of them. "Y-you're blessed (Y/n). E-even if t-this is a challenge, y-y-y-you are someone who is s-s-strong enough to get through it. Y-y-y-you just have to be willing e-enough to give it a cha-chance." She said. You realized she was probably right.

"I...I don't know." You said.

"T-take the night to think. I-if you still want to stay t-tomorrow, than I won't b-bother you any further." Zala said. You nodded. Zora curled up around you and you smiled as her body and fur kept you warm. You let yourself go into sleep mode. As you did, you remember how happy Markus had looked when you had first seen him. You felt a pang in your heart. Deep had always know the answer. As much as you had tried to reject it, you knew, you couldn't stay away forever.

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