Chapter 44

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You followed Markus, Arrow padding beside you. You felt nervous, but you weren't going to give in. You walked alongside Markus as you made your way to the camp, your people following both of you. You thought of Connor again. You knew he'd be fine. He was the most upgraded model to date and he was very smart. You trusted him. You believed in him. 

You looked at the snow covered scenery around you. You smiled a little. You were going to take as much in as you could if it was really the last time. You felt Arrow nudge your leg. You looked down at him. His eyes met yours. You could see the nerves flashing in his eyes. You gave him a reassuring smile and pat on the head. He looked a bit more at ease, but you could tell he was still tense. 

You soon arrived at the camp. You all kept going, daring to get closer. You felt determined. There was no backing down. You couldn't give in. We can do this. You told yourself. 

"Here we are. The moment of truth." Markus said.

"Heh, no kidding." You agreed. You all kept going, but you heard a soldier's voice through a speaker.

"Surrender immediately, or we will open fire." You paid no mind to his threat, tempted to roll your eyes. You honestly had heard those words so many times that it didn't even matter if you surrendered or not. They were still going to shoot. You knew that much. You heard Arrow whine, but you hushed him.

"You gotta be brave for me, okay?" You told him gently. He nodded. You heard the soldier tell his men to stay on stand by. You didn't really care. You glanced over and spotted the many cameras and news reporters that were desperate to capture what was unfolding before them. You wondered if that would help you in any way. Would they truly slaughter you all on worldwide public news TV? You couldn't be too sure how much of a difference live TV would help you.

You all stopped in front of the camp guarded by the soldiers before you. You swallowed back every last bit of your fear and faced them with courage. There was no running away. Not this time. 

"We don't want confrontation! We are protesting peacefully!" Markus called out to them. 

"I repeat: surrender now or we will open fire!" He shouted back. Trucks suddenly drove forward and cut off any exit. You knew it right then. You had no choice.

"There's no turning back now." Markus said. You nodded. North, Josh, and Simon were all near you as well. You could see North was nervous, but Josh and Simon looked sure of what you all were doing. Markus spoke up again.

"We are here to demand the immediate liberation of all androids detained in camps across the country. We are not leaving until our people are free." Markus said. You all began to slowly advance. You felt your heart twist as the soldier shouted,

"FIRE!" You kept yourself from looking back at those who fell. You couldn't look back. You had to keep going forward. Arrow seemed to understand that too. He kept standing tall and padding forward with confidence. You were proud of him.

Public Opinion: ^^^

"FIRE!!" More fell, but you all kept going. Markus stopped and you followed his actions. You all sat down and Markus spoke again.

"Are you gonna open fire at unarmed protesters?" He asked. News crews were capturing every second and there was even a helicopter watching you all. It seemed to make them all think twice about shooting you straight out. 

"All teams hold your fire!" The man ordered. You felt a slight hint of relief. At least they stopped shooting...for now.

"Markus, what do we do now?" North asked.

"We hold out. As long as we can." He replied.

"We should at least have some sort of mini camp of our own. It won't be much with the little resources given, but it will be some for a defense." You said. Markus nodded.

"Agreed. We'll build a small fort that will hopefully be able to help protect us. It's the safest way of action." Markus said. With that, you all began to get to work. Arrow was assigned to keep watch on the soldiers ahead. If something happened, he'd sound the alarm, giving you all a forewarning of any danger if it were to start up again. You breathed in and out. You could do this.

(THINGS ARE GETTING SPICY YALS!! Next chapter we gonna check up with Connor! Speaking of Connor...I was on Twitter and found these.

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH MY BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOGETHER AT LAST!!!!!!!! Also, Jack liked this piece of art and I saw it and was like, CUUUUUUUUUUUUTE! If you have Twitter, the artist's name is @kiyoshilia

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AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH MY BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOGETHER AT LAST!!!!!!!! Also, Jack liked this piece of art and I saw it and was like, CUUUUUUUUUUUUTE! If you have Twitter, the artist's name is @kiyoshilia. I applaud her for bring this cuteness into the world!

 I applaud her for bring this cuteness into the world!

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Anyway! With that said this is Spiritwing howling a goodbye! Author AHWOOOOOOOOOT!)

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