Chapter 5

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(I couldn't find a better picture of Jericho. Sorry.)

You were on your own and you were low on power. Your joints were getting stiffer. You trudged on. You had to keep going. It was the middle of the day. It was raining again. You were freezing. You walked past a junkyard. Suddenly, an android came out of it. He was very badly damaged. You looked at him, terrified. He looked up at you.

"Y-you...y-you can make it." He said. You were confused. You walked toward him. He grabbed onto your leg. You shrieked. "'re one of us... You must go! Find Jericho!" He said. Something flashed through your mind and he let go. "Find it." He whispered before shutting down. He fell back down the slope. You watched in terror at the sight. You quickly hurried away. You looked at the clue he gave you. You knew you had to keep going. 

Objective: Find Jericho

You kept walking. You passed a lot of people. You kept your hood up. You had to make it to Jericho. You just had to. Soon enough, you came across the first clue. You looked at it. You found the secret mark.

Clue updated. 

You looked at it again. It had changed. You felt hope. You kept looking. You followed the trail until you came across a problem. You found obstacles in your way. You looked around. There had to be an easier way to get around them. You found a path. You slowly climbed up and soon you made it. You kept going. You had to jump another gap. You sighed. You gave it everything you had and you sloppily rolled onto the other side after making it across. You kept going. You saw a ship up ahead. The side read Jericho. You smiled. I made it. I actually made it. You thought.

Mission: Success

You walked along a walkway to the boat. You looked down into the water. You closed your eyes. Here goes nothing. You thought. You jumped. 

"CANNON BALL!" You yelled, deciding to have fun with it. You splashed into the water. You resurfaced and climbed up the ladder. You looked around, trying to see through the darkness. You kept walking until you made it into the main part of the boat. You walked along, but then the walkway fell from under you. You shrieked and landed hard on the ground. You groaned, having next to nothing left in you. You heard footsteps. 

"Oh my gosh. She's hardly still running." You heard a female voice.

"We've gotta get her to Lucy. North, tell her to get her supplies ready. Josh, help me carry her." You felt two pairs of arms lift you up. You opened your eyes slightly. You saw an android with blond hair holding you up on your right and a different android with dark skin and a small amount of black hair on your left. 

"Can you hear us, Miss?" He asked. You nodded wearily.

"We're going to help you." The other said. "I'm Simon."

"I'm Josh." The other added. 

"" You said. They both smiled a little. You were laid down and you saw a woman with the back of her head missing come over to you. She sealed your wounds. You still felt weak. She knelt down next to you holding a bottle filled with blue blood.

"Drink this." She instructed. You did. You felt a bit better after that. "Do you need any more?" She asked. 

"A...a little." You said. A different girl handed her another bottle. You drank that one too. You felt replenished now. You sat up. You looked at the faces surrounding you. Josh and Simon smiled softly at you. The other girl was watching you, looking a little weary of you. The one that had treated you had fully black eyes and looked at you with no emotion.

"Give me your hand." She said. You did. Your hand went white and so did hers. "You are a brave soul, but you are unsatisfied with a life of hiding. You want much more than what is allowed of us. Your choices will help shape our future." She said. You were stunned.

"I don't think my choices are that important, but thank you all for helping me." You said.

"Welcome to Jericho. This is North and Lucy." Simon said. You nodded.

"Thank you for fixing me Lucy. It's nice to meet all of you." You said, standing up with Josh's help. 

"Jericho is a place for androids who don't want to be slaves anymore." North explained.

"You may stay with us as long as you like." Simon said. You smiled.

"Thank you. I hope I won't be any trouble." You said.

"You won't be. Anyone is welcome here as long as they're truly one of us." Josh said. You smiled.

"I'm one of you." You promised.

"Then it's good to have you." Lucy said. You smiled. You went to meet some of the other androids around. Jericho wasn't the coziest place, but it was better than the apartment you'd met Rupert in. You hoped you'd see him again. He was a good android and a good friend. You hopped he wouldn't worry about you too much. You hoped he wasn't mad at you for not coming back. You sighed. I can only hope things get better from here. You thought. You sat down on a crate. You thought about that other android you'd met the day after you had escaped your master. You wondered what he was doing. You wondered if he was still safe. You never knew what could happen to an android in this world. You hoped he was alright. You wondered if you'd ever see him again. You sighed. You probably wouldn't. You looked around. This is my life now, I guess. new home.

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