A/n: I'm gonna be gone for a bit

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Heya guys! So, I'm heading up to a camp for the week. It about 3 hours I won't be on again until Friday night. I can't take any devices to this camp and they don't have internet there for campers anyway. I know it's a long time to be away and the wait is gonna be hard, but it takes a good amount of money for me and my sister to go here. My sister works summers there so it's less for her, but it still takes money between her coming home every two weeks so that adds gas and then if she or myself get anything at the gift shop and it's just a lot. So I'm not gonna pay for it and then not go. BUT! I figured I could tell you guys some things about myself in this chapter too so I'm not ending it with all the 'sorry I'm leaving' stuff. So! On with the stuff!

1: I'm a girl and I have brown hair with (mostly) green eyes

2: I'm single, but I'm in love with a guy I met about 3 years back.

3: I have three cats and here they are,

3: I have three cats and here they are,

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This is Rupert. He's the oldest and yes we got him before Detroit came out so it's a coincidence that there's a character named Rupert in the game! XD 

 He's the oldest and yes we got him before Detroit came out so it's a coincidence that there's a character named Rupert in the game! XD 

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This is Gertie. She's our fattest cat (weighing about 21 pounds) and we consider her the older sister of the two girls we have. It's why we call her 'my sister's cat' because my sister it older than me. 

This is Greta

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This is Greta. She's my kitty! She's Gertie's sister and they are from the same litter. She's kinda fat, but not as huge as Gertie!

4: Connor is my fav character in Detroit: Become Human.

5: I'm the youngest in my family.

6: I'm a video game nerd (as you probably guessed).

7: I've been a fan of the Nickalodeon TMNT series for about 4 years now and I've become a total NERD!! 

8: I love stuffed animals! I have about 500 of them, big and small.

9: I've been writing for about 2 and a half years total. I started out on google docs, just writing for myself. My first book (ending at 286 pages) was a Warrior cat spin off in my warrior OC's eyes. 

10: The name Spiritwing actually came from my warrior cat OC. Her name was Spiritwing as a warrior and she was a black cat with orange patches and blue eyes. From there I became more of a TMNT fanatic and my TMNT OC (The turtle's younger sister named Stephanie that had gotten mutated by special mutagen later at night on the same day as the turtle's and Splinter's mutation) soon took over as my number 1 OC. She took a form looking more like myself. She had special powers (due to the purple mutagen she'd gotten into) and one of her abilities was being able to morph between four different forms. Thus, the winged wolf on my profile picture was born. That heart necklace she's wearing is her pendant and it holds half of her magic and part of her soul. (Btw I figured magic must have been possible because of the abilities April has. Yes hers are just telekinetic, but I'm going with the Kraang having the ability to create such things) After that, I fell in love with Undertale thanks to my friends. Since a winged wolf would be considered a monster my Stephanie OC started being used more and more often. Soon my friends told me about Wattpad. I looked at it and began reading on it. My name, Spiritwing13, was born. After that, I began to write on Wattpad, starting my first book, 'Underrising Love'. Now you know why it was a Sans x Reader too. There ya have it! Now you know how I got started off and a few other things about me! 

If you guys have any questions about any of these things, feel free to ask me in the comments! I know I might not get back to you right away, but I will be looking over this author note as soon as I get back and answering whatever is there if I haven't already answered. With that, this is Spiritwing howling a goodbye! Author AHWOOOOOOOOOT!

Edit: Hey guys. I don't want to bring you down but I only have two cats now. Rupert went outside and...he never came back. We live in the woods and he was old so we have no idea what happened to him, but we all think he's...gone. Goodbye to a great cat. We're all going to miss him. <3

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