Chapter 7

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You stayed with them in Jericho. You didn't really have any other place to go. It too was risky going to find Rupert. You stayed where you were. You had decided to explore Jericho. You wandered around the ship for hours, learning the malls and making sure to map your way as you went along. You didn't want to get lost. 

As you walked along, you sang to yourself quietly. It was a nice thing to do to fill the silence. You smiled to yourself, content. You kept walking until you bumped into North.

"Oh, hey North." You greeted.

"Hey (Y/n). What are you doing?" She asked.

"Exploring. Learning the ship, ya know?" You replied. She nodded with a soft smile.

"May I come with you?" She asked.

"Sure!" You said. 

"So, what brought you to become a deviant?" She asked. You frowned. With a sigh, you began to explain.

"My owner was cruel to me. For a long time I never cared, but one day I realized...enough was enough. He was going to destroy me. I had to run. It's how I got those cuts. The one on my abdomen became worse when I was running from some cops. It was why I was so low on power." You explained.

"Did you meet any other androids?" She asked. You nodded.

"On the first day I met one. He seemed nice enough. I didn't catch his name. I helped him with some protesters though." You said. She nodded. "After that, I met someone named Rupert. He gave me a place to stay for the rest of the day through the next morning. After that...that's when the cops found me on the street and I had to run. I hope Rupert's alright."

"Why were you out on the streets if you had a place to stay?" She asked.

"He wanted me to get some bird seed. He wanted to feed the huge amount of pigeons he lived with. I hope he has some more now. He's interesting to say the least." You told her. She nodded.

"I hope we see him again soon as well." She agreed. 

"So, what made you come here?" You asked. She frowned. She sighed.

"I was a Eden Club member. One day...I realized I couldn't take it anymore. I gripped that man's throat until...he stopped moving. After that I ran away." She explained. You nodded.

"That must've been pretty horrible." You said. She sighed.

"You don't realize it for the longest time, but then....the humiliation kicks in. I just...couldn't take it anymore." She said. You nodded.

"Sorry that happened to you, North." You said. She smiled a little.

"Same to you too, (Y/n)." You both kept walking. "I'm going to go join the others. See you around, (Y/n)." She said.

"See ya, North!" You said with a smile. You kept walking. Soon, you found your way to the top of the ship. You went to the very front. You watched the sunset. You sighed, a smile on your lips. "It might not be the best, but that surely is one hell of a view."

Markus' POV

I got off the train. I followed the clues to Jericho. I hurried past anything in my way and soon, I saw a ship up ahead. I saw the word 'Jericho' painted on the side. I climbed up and walked across the walkway toward the ship. I saw water below. I jumped. I fell through the air and landed with a loud splash. I lost my jacket and climbed up the ladder there. I found a flashlight. I began to explore. Suddenly, somebody rushed past. I paused, surprised. I followed them. Soon enough, I made it to the main part of the ship. I went out onto a walkway. I got a little ways before it creaked and I knew it was going to fall. I tried to hurry, but I fell and hit my back. I landed hard, but I was alright. I

I got up and I looked around as androids surrounded me. I was stunned to see them there. I didn't know whether or not they were going to attack me.

"Welcome to Jericho." One of them said. I looked at him.

"Who are you?" I asked. 

"Fugitives. Just like you." Another replied. "My name is Josh."

"I'm Simon." The other added.

"North." A girl said.

"This is Jericho?" I asked.

"It's a refuge for those who don't want to be slaves anymore." Josh said.

"And hiding just to stay alive...that's freedom to you?" I asked.

"Humans hate us. Hiding is the only way we can survive." Josh said.

"There is no safe place for those like us. If humans knew we were here they'd kill us." North said.

"And you knew that only an android could follow the trail, didn't you?" I asked.

"Only those who are like us can fin Jericho. If you could decipher the signs, it's because one of us trusted you enough to give you the key." Simon said. I remembered the android that had told me to come here. "There's a place where we can be free! Find Jericho!" I pushed the memory aside.

"I understand how you feel, but we have more freedom here than you ever did." Josh said.

"I came to Jericho looking for hope. Looks like I'm not going to find any here." I said.

"You're lost...just like the rest of us. We didn't ask for this, all we can do now is deal with it." Simon told me.

"You're safe here. You can stay with us as long as you want." Josh said. 

"Go and see Lucy. She might be able to help you." North said. I nodded. I did a few things before finding Lucy.

"Are you Lucy?" I asked. She turned toward me.

"Sit down." She instructed. I listened. "Show me." I lifted up my shirt, showing the large gash I had. "I'll stop the bleeding." She said. She took a hot pole and sealed it. She grabbed a bottle of blue blood. "Drink this." I took it and drank it. I stood up. "Give me your hand." I followed her instructions. I watched as our hands went white and she closed her pitch black eyes. They opened a moment later. "You had it all...and you lost it all. You've seen hell and now hell lives in you. Your heart is troubled. A part of shadow and a part of light. Which will prevail?" She looked at me again. "Your choices will shape our destiny." With that, she let go of my hand and I left. I thought about the androids shutting down and the crate I saw. I had an idea.

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