Chapter 10

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You all made it back. Simon looked happy. You were too.

"A truckload! We stole a whole truckload!" He said.

"We've got boicomponents for everybody!" Josh added.

"We couldn't have done it without Markus and (Y/n)." North said. You smiled. Markus stood next to you.

"I came to Jericho because here androids are free. Free to live in the dark, hoping that no one finds us. Free to die in silence waiting for a change that's never gonna come. But I don't want that freedom. And I'm not gonna beg for the right to smile, or love, or stand tall. I don't know about you, but there is something inside me that knows that I am more than what they say. I am alive, and they are not gonna take that from me anymore." Markus said.

"Me either." You agreed. "I'm sick of having to obey and hide. This is our chance to change it all! We shouldn't let them keep doing this to our people!" You said. Some of the others began to agree with you both.

"Our days of slavery are over. What humans don't wanna hear, we will tell them. What they don't wanna give, we take! We are people! We are alive! We are FREE!" Markus said. You nodded.

"RISE IN REVOLUTION!" You cheered.

"RISE IN THE REVOLUTION!!" They repeated. Markus smiled at you.

"You really do have heart." 

Markus Status: Close

You blushed a little. You smiled back at him.

"Not as much as you, but I'm with you, Markus." You said. He nodded. After things calmed down, North and Lucy began to help the androids that needed the most repairs. Markus headed somewhere else to be alone for a bit. You wondered whether you should follow him or not. You decided to give him some time to himself. Everybody needed some alone time after all. You headed back out of the ship, wanting to look at the stars some more. You liked looking at sunsets and stars and things like that. It was peaceful and calming. You climbed the truck parked outside and sat on the top, watching the stars. You smiled, relaxing a little. For a while, everything was perfect.

You heard a smash not far away. You hopped off the truck and looked toward the area. You looked around for a weapon. You saw an old metal pole. You grabbed it.

"Who's there?!" You snapped, trying to sound intimidating. It was silent. You went closer. "Show yourself!" You ordered. You heard a whimper. You tilted your head, confused. You hurried over. "Hello?" You looked down and gasped. You saw two animals there. One was a female and the other was a male. You got a closer look at them. "Wolves?" One of them was trapped under a few metal beams that had fallen over. That must've been the crash I heard. You thought. The other one was pacing around her, clearly stressed.

Help the wolves?

You nodded to yourself. It's the right thing to do. You told yourself. You shoved the pole under the beams and got them off of her. You stood up. They both looked at each other and then you. You dropped the pole. They both leaped at you. They licked you happily. You laughed. 

"Okay! Okay! You're welcome! Hahaha!" You laughed. They both backed away. You sat up and smiled. You got a good look at them.

They both walked toward you and nuzzled you thankfully

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They both walked toward you and nuzzled you thankfully. You smiled. You saw they had LEDs. "You're deviant...wolves?" You asked. They nodded. You smiled. "Come with me. Jericho is a place for us deviants. It's safe. You can live with us." You offered. They looked at each other. The male whined at the female. She licked his nose reassuringly. They both turned back to you. They barked and you smiled. "Follow me!" You said. You heard the female whine. You turned. "Something wrong girl?" You asked. They both padded over to a little hole in the crate. The female barked. You gasped as a pup tumbled out of the hole. He was a real wolf!

 He was a real wolf!

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"Aw~!" You said. "You both took him in?" You asked. They barked. You smiled. You picked the little guy up. "Well, we'll take care of him. I promise." You said. Their tails wagged happily. You all headed back inside Jericho. You called out to the others. "Guys! Look who I found outside! They're deviant like us!" You said with a smile. North, Simon, and Josh came over. Markus was still absent. 

"Wolves?" Simon questioned.

"Aren't they cute? The female was trapped so I helped her! They'll be good! I promise! They can be watch dogs!" You said. They both barked happily and the pup yipped trying to lick your face. You giggled.

"Wolves are going to be too much. That one isn't an android. It's going to need food and water." North said.

"There's plenty of water around here, and I'll handle the food. I promise! I can do it!" You said. 

"It would be nice to have something that has better hearing and sense of smell watching out for danger around here." Josh said. 

"They do seem pretty well trained already." Simon agreed.

"This is crazy." North argued.

"What's crazy?" You all turned as Markus showed up and came over.

"I found them outside. Can they stay? Please Markus?" You said. He looked at them.

"Wolves?" He asked.

"They can patrol the ship and they'll know if any intruder comes! They can also help bring supplies and they can lead new comers around the ship! They'll be useful, I know it!" You said. He thought about it.

"Jericho is a place for androids. All androids." He said looking at the two wolves. "We won't turn away those seeking shelter. They stay with us." Markus said. You smiled.

"Yes! Thank you Markus!" You said happily. The wolves barked happily at him too. North sighed and left. Simon and Josh looked happy. You were super excited.

"What are you going to name them, (Y/n)?" Josh asked. You thought about it. 

"The black and white male can be named...Arrow!" You said.

"And the girl?" Simon asked.

"Hmm..." You looked at her. "She looks like a Sunny to me." You said with a smile.

"And the pup?" Markus asked. You looked at him.

"Easy! This little guy is Neo!" You said, holding him up proudly. He yipped happily and so did Sunny and Arrow. 

"I like it." Markus said. You smiled. You set Neo down and he waddled over to his parents. Sunny gave him a bath and Arrow watched, his chest puffed out proudly. You giggled.

"They'll be good pets. I'm sure of it." You said. Markus nodded.

"I trust you."

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