Chapter 38

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You followed Markus to a nice looking house. You knew this house. You'd seen it in his memories. You looked at Markus. 

"Markus...are you sure about this?" You asked. He looked at you. He nodded.

"Yes. I'm sure. I..I need to see him again." You nodded. He walked up to the door, his grip on your hand tightening a little more. You knew he was slightly nervous of what Carl would say to him. You squeezed his hand one last time and gave him a reassuring smile. He calmed down a bit and he unlocked the door.

"Alarm deactivated. Welcome home, Markus." The voice said. You both walked in together. You saw something on a message machine. You played it. You were stunned. It was Leo! He was okay! You looked over at Markus. He looked a little unsure of how to react to it, so he just kept moving on. You followed him up the stairs, but when you rounded the corner a male AP700 stopped you both.

"Who are you? How did you get in?" He asked.

"I need to see Carl." Markus said.

"Carl isn't seeing anyone. You have to leave." He told you. You both walked up to him and Markus converted him.

"Please. I need to see him." He repeated. The android thought about it.

"He's very weak. I'm not sure he'll be able to talk to you." He said, but after a short moment he stepped aside and you gave him a thankful nod as you both walked past into Carl's room. You gasped as you saw how much worse he had gotten. 

"Carl." Markus exclaimed, hurrying to his side and taking the old man's hand in his own. You just watched, knowing you had to let Markus be with him. It wasn't your place to speak at the moment.

"Markus..." He said as he realized just who had com to see him.

"Hey." Markus greeted. You could clearly see his worry for his former owner.

"I was hoping you'd come." Carl said.

"I've missed you so much, Carl." Markus said. "You don't know how much I've missed you." You smiled a little at his words. He really was a good, caring android.

"What's wrong, Markus?" Carl asked, clearly seeing the bit of unease Markus was showing.

"I just wanted my people to be free, but..instead I've just led all of them to disaster. Carl, I'm trying to find the answers, but everything around me is falling apart." He told the old man.

"The world is ruled by fear, Markus. Fear of others. Fear of the future. It's like me...too old. It's time for it to end." You felt your heart, well, metaphorical heart, twist at his words. Markus stood up, stressed and confused at what to do. 

"What should I do? Carl, they're killing my people. I don't want to answer violence with violence, but tell me, what choice do they give?" Markus asked, seemingly lost. You knew not to speak. You had to let the two of them talk.

"Being alive is making choices between love and hate, between holding out your hand or closing it as a fist. I don't have any easy answers, Markus. You have to accept the world as the way it is, or fight to change it." Carl said. Markus sat down by his side again. "You're my son, Markus. Our blood isn't the same color, but I know a part of me is in you." You smiled. It was then the old man noticed you standing in the corner. "Oh? And who might you be, Miss?" He asked. Markus turned.

"Oh, Carl, that's her. She's the girl who helped me, but, um, she was a lot less human than we thought." Markus explained. Carl looked interested.

"Come here." He said to you. You walked over.

"Markus has shown me a lot about you. I'm glad you were the one that was taking care of him before all of this. You're a good person, Carl, I can tell that much." You said kindly. He smiled a little at you.

"I think before this it was still the other way around." He chuckled. You smiled a little at the man. "Tell me, what's your name?" 

"(Y/n)." You replied.

"Well, (Y/n)...thank you for taking care of Markus in my place. And Markus," Markus looked at him.

"Yes, Carl?"

"You found who you were meant to be with. A beautiful android girl is a much better match for you than an old man like me." Carl said.

"Carl..." Markus began.

"No. Listen to me, Markus. If I had to pick anybody for you to go with, I glad you chose her. I can tell you two are going to stay together, no matter what you choose." Carl said. "I'm glad I got to see you again, Markus. And (Y/n), I'm glad I got to meet you." You smiled.

"Thank you, Carl." You said. He nodded to you and then looked back at Markus.

"When the world falls into darkness, some men have the courage to lead it out. You're one of those men. Face the abyss, but don't let it consume you." Carl told him. Carl held Markus' hand for a moment before Markus stood up, leaving Carl to rest again. You smiled as he took your hand instead and you both left the old man laying there peacefully. 

"He's really wise." You said. Markus nodded.

"Yes...indeed he is." 

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