Chapter 73

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Markus POV

I was nervous. I couldn't believe this was happening. I was getting married. I was excited, but...also nervous. I hoped that everything would go alright and I wouldn't screw anything up. I looked around for Connor. I wanted to talk to him. I soon found him and he smiled at him.

"Hello Markus. Do you need something?" He asked.

"I..I wanted to talk to you." I said. He seemed to understand that this was more of a private conversation. We went to a different room and I began to speak. "Connor, with my position it's very likely for something to happen to me. I..I wanted to talk to you about that. I know it will be hard for (Y/n) if that happens, so...can you promise me you'll take care of her?" I asked. He nodded.

"Of course." He replied. I smiled.

"Thanks Connor." I said.

"She is technically my sister now, so I guess that makes you my brother-in-law." He said. I chuckled.

"I guess so." I agreed. 

"You'll be fine." He assured me. I was glad that he believed in me.  I had never in my life thought that I would get married. I was glad I had somebody there to help me.

Zala's POV

 I made sure that everything was going smoothly. Everyone was finding their seats and getting ready while some others chatted with each other. A lot of androids were there since this was a pretty big deal.

I went to check on (Y/n). When I got there I saw that North was helping her. I smiled. She looked beautiful in that dress.

(It was the best picture I could find of it

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(It was the best picture I could find of it.)

She looked amazing. Markus was lucky, that much was surely true. North smiled.

"You look great, (Y/n)." She said. (Y/n) looked thrilled. I was glad she was so happy. I couldn't believe that this was actually happening. I never thought us androids would ever get the privileges we had gotten. (Y/n) was lucky too. This would be a day nobody would ever forget. I smiled at her and she just looked so happy. 

"I'm glad you're so thrilled about this. Are you nervous?" I asked. She nodded.

"A little, but I know I can do it!" She said confidently. I was glad she was ready. It was nearly time. Soon enough, Hank came in.

"Hey, everything is ready." He said. I hugged (Y/n) and told her goodluck before heading out with North. I glanced back at her and I smiled. She got the happy ending she deserved. Maybe...maybe we all did.

Your POV

Hank smiled at you. He walked over, seemingly at a loss for words. 

"(Y/n), I gotta say you sure changed my life. You and that other weirdo." He said. You rolled your eyes at the old man. 

"Gee, thanks Hank." You said. He chuckled.

" look beautiful, kid. I'm happy for you." He told you. You smiled. You hugged him.

"Hank, thank you." He hugged back.

"For what?" He asked.

" gave me another family. I..I never had a father at all, and...I'm glad it turned out to be you." You said. He looked stunned. He smiled, trying not to show how emotional he was getting.

"Heh, I said it once I'll say it again, I never thought I was gonna have a daughter, but I'm glad I met you so I could have one. You, Markus, and all showed me that androids are alive. You all are real. I should never have blamed you all for my son. Thank you for showing me that." He said. You smiled.

"You're welcome, Dad." He smiled.

"We should get going." He said. You smiled and nodded. You took his arm and you began to walk out. You felt your legs wobble a little as a sudden wave of nervousness washed over you. Hank noticed this.

"You ok?" He asked.

"I'm scared." You admitted. He hugged you.

"You'll be fine. After all, how much will actually change by marrying him? It's not like you'll act any different. Your just making it official. You'll do great." He said. You smiled.


"Come on it's your turn." He said and walked you along. You breathed in and out. It's time. You and Hank walked down. You saw Markus there waiting for you. His eyes widened when he saw you. He likes my outfit hehehe. You thought happily. Zala was smiling as she watched you. You calmed yourself. Pretend that the audience isn't there and it'll be less nerve wracking. You told yourself. You stood up there with Markus. He smiled. Simon was the one officiating you. You had to admit, he looked cute in a suit. Markus looked amazing though. You had never seen him in a suit. Not like this at least. The only other time had been at the news tower. You didn't want to remember the dangerous moments though. You wanted to remember every happy moment you had spent together. 

Soon, Simon began. You wanted to say something to Markus, so you did it secretly.

"You look great." He blushed a little.

"Did you look in the mirror, or did you skip that part?" He teased. You smirked at him, trying not to make it obvious.

"Don't make me laugh, dummy."

"You started it."



Before you knew it, Simon got to the vows. You were nervous. You knew what you wanted to say, but you couldn't help the butterflies fighting against you. Markus went first. You wondered if he was nervous. He didn't look nervous or sound nervous, but you knew he was good at hiding that thanks to everything you all had been through.

"(Y/n), I never thought I'd meet anyone, especially someone like you. I'm glad to say you proved me wrong. You've always believed in me and you've always been there for me. I promise you that I will do everything in my power to give you the same and more." He said. You were trying not to cry. Now it was your turn.

"Markus, from the moment I first saw you I could tell you were different. When I saw you again I was more than happy to stand by you and now...I want it to be that way forever. You've shown me so much and I will do anything to repay that. No matter how long the road is, I'll always be there for you, and I will never forget." You said. 

"And now, may we have the rings?" Simon said. You and Markus both put them on, holding hands now. "Markus, do you take (Y/N) as your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked. You couldn't help, but smile when he said,

"I do." He smiled bigger too when he did.

"And (Y/N), do you take Markus as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." You said.

"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride." Markus smiled and kissed you. The cheers and clapping faded away as he kissed you. You felt happier than you had ever been. He soon pulled back and you smiled at him, your face flushed a bright blue.

"It'll always be you and me." He whispered.

"Always." You agreed. 

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