I'm Coming Home

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(Picture above as the inspiration)

"I'm gonna miss you so much..." Hiccup said hugging her, with his voice trailing off

"I know, I'm gonna miss you two, but it's only 5 years." Astrid replied

"That's the exact reason, 5 YEARS, I can't be without you for that long."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine"

"You better"

"Bye Astrid, see you in 5 years." Heather said hugging her

"Bye Heather" Astrid said now crying

"Bye sis." Hope said

(In this Hiccup and Astrid are married, and so Hope calls Astrid sis, as in sister in-law)

"Bye, Hope" Astrid said

"I love you M'lady" Hiccup said

"I love you to Hiccup" Astrid said

They kissed, then Astrid went out the door...

(One month later)

"Hey Hiccup, do you know where my note pad is? I can't find it." Hope asked

No response

"Hiccup?" Are you okay?"


She walked into his room, she saw him sitting on the edge of his bed, holding a photo of him and Astrid on their wedding day. She sat down next to him, putting her arm around his shoulder

"I know Hiccup, I miss her too, but we can't sulk with her leaving, she will be back. Hey, me, Heather and Fishlegs were gonna go see a movie, wanna come? Please?"

"I don't know..."

"Hiccup I know you miss her, but she wouldn't want you to sit around missing her, she would want you to have fun, so come on let's go see that movie."

He smiled "Sure, why not"

"There we go, that's the brother I know, let's go, if we are late, I'm never gonna hear the end of it from Heather"

"Haha, okay let's go."

(After the movie, they watched How To Train Your Dragon 2)

"So, what did you guys think of it?" Hope asked

"I loved that part when Hiccup found out the other dragon rider was his mom! I mean what a plot twist if you ask me." Heather said

"What about the part where Stoick and Valka started singing. I thought that was very sweet." Fishlegs added

"Hiccup, what did you think?" Hope asked her silent brother

"I already saw it." Hiccup said with a smile on his face

"Awww, well why didn't you say anything?" Hope said upset

"Because you didnt say what kinda movie we were watching, and I didn't want to make you sad."

"Well, thanks."

"Well, we'll see you guys tomorrow?" Fishlegs asked

"Of course, see you guys later." Hope said

(Time skip three years because I'm lazy, it's Hiccup and Hopes birthday)

"Well, how has your birthday been Hiccup?" Hope asked while she was doing her hair upstairs

"Amazing, and thank you for the gift."

"Likewise bro."


"Who could that be? Did you invite someone else?" Hiccup asked Hope while walking to the door

"I don't know, and no I didn't invite someone else." Hope shouted from her room

Hiccup opened the door...and there in front of him he saw his wife, after three years.

"Astrid" Hiccup said before hugging her

"Oh Hiccup, I missed you so much..."

"I missed you to M'lady..."

They pulled apart from their hug, and kissed each other like there was no tomorrow

"Hiccup? Is everything okay?" Hope asked

No response

"Hiccup, please answer me, are you okay? Hiccup what in Thor's name is going on?" Hope said walking down the stairs

"Hiccup please be at the---" Hope started crying, because she saw her sister

"Astrid!" Hope exclaimed

She ran down and hugged Astrid

"Hi Hope, I missed you." Astrid said to her sister

"I missed you to sis" Hope said back

"Happy birthday guys!" Astrid said

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