I Missed You....Part 3

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They finished their training, Hope had become friends with Dahlia, and she apologized for how she acted since she didn't know that they were married. Hiccup was now more comfortable with the role he has. They soon boarded their boat and headed off. To Berk. Home.

"I'm so glad that we get to go home now, what about you Hiccup?" Hope looked up from laying down

"Yeah, yeah, I'm happy too." He sighed

"Me, mom and Astrid both know that look, what's up?" She placed her hand on his shoulder

"Well, even with the training and dad teaching me all he could before he passed away, I still don't know if I'm ready yet, you know?" He set his head in his hands

"Hiccup, you'll do great, I believe in you, Astrid believes in you, mom believes in you, and most importantly,  dad believes in you."

"You really think so?"

"Of course I do. He had been preparing you to be the leader that you needed to be for Berk. And, did it come with prices, yes, but, all that matters is that you believe in yourself."

"Wow, since when did you have a speech like that prepared?"

"Since the beginning of this week."


"Yeah" Hope giggled

"Ha ha ha, hilarious" Hiccup chuckled

"There's the brother I know and love"

"And there are the speeches I'm fearing" Hiccup got up to look over the side of the boat

"Oh come on, it'll be fine Hiccup, trust me" Hope joined his side

The next day

"Guess what Stoick? You dad comes back today!" Astrid picked him up from his cradle

"Aye, and I assume you're happy about it?" Valka walked in

"Of course, he never wanted to leave me or Stoick. But, he did, so, I am happy to see him" Astrid handed Stoick to Valka

"Well, it's only a matter of time before he's on the back of a dragon, flying next to the both of you" Valka lifted Stoick above her head, the back down again

"Oh gods, no, I want him to stay like this forever" Astrid giggled

A horn then blew

"There's mommy Erika, you excited?" Eret picked her up

Erika clapped her hands together before Eret walked outside, grabbed Treasure and head to Hiccup and Astrid's house

"You have Stoick and Toothless?" Eret walked inside

"Yep, let's go" Astrid signaled for Toothless to follow

They then made their way to the docks to await their significant others

"You ready?" Hope docked their boat

"Definitely." Hiccup helped her off

"Mom" Hope went over and hugged her

"Oh I'm so glad both of you are safe, how was it?" Valka pulled away and hugged Hiccup

"It was great, Harold is a very nice man." Hiccup replied

"Well that's good."

"Hey Hope" Eret walked over to her

"Hey Eret" She kissed him, one thing she been waiting to do for weeks

"I missed you, a lot." He pulled away

"I missed you too, hey Erika, where you do for your father?" Hope took her from him, and hugged her

"Well, a few fits but that's it, she's sleeping better, and let me take her back before-" Eret grabbed Erika, just in time too

"Wait why do you-ow! Hey Treausre! I missed you girl!" She was pushed to the ground

"Hello M'lady, I misses you" He pulled Astrid closer to him and kissed her, short but passionate

"Hey Hiccup, I missed you too, Stoick did too" Astrid handed their son to Hiccup

"Hey there Stoick, I missed you a lot" He hugged his son for a minute

"Dada!" Stoick clapped his hands

"Did you hear that, that was his first word!" Astrid looked at Hiccup

"Yeah, yeah I did"

"Oh god's, here come here Stoick, your dad is about to get trampled"

"What do you mean- oof! Toothless! Hey bud! Toothless, you know that doesn't wash out!" Toothless started licking Hiccup

"Well, looks like everyone has been reunited, lets head home" Valka helped Hope and Hiccup up and out of their excited dragons grasp

And indeed, Hiccup and Hope became the leaders that their father needed

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