
446 15 32

--cHe-- gave me this idea
Thank you for this idea


Everyone didn't think that COVID-19 wouldn't be as big as it's gotten. Thousands have died at the hands of this virus. People all around the globe that are immune-compromised are in danger. And Hiccup Haddock is one of them.

"When did you get diagnosed?" Ten years old Astrid Hofferson was on Skype

"When I was "one" Ten-year-old Hiccup Haddock made air quotes "I was really four."

"Cause of how your birthday is. How has it been?"

"It's been, I don't know. Having the tank around me all the time isn't much fun. I can't do much stuff without having it." Hiccup broke into another one of the coughing fits that came with Cystic Fibrosis

"I'm sorry Hiccup." Astrid apologized, "Oh, that's my mom's friend calling. I have to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Okay. Talk to you tomorrow Astrid. Bye." Hiccup waved at the webcam

"Bye." Astrid did the same thing before closing the call


"Hey Astrid!" Hiccup waved, air tank next to him

"Hey!" Astrid jogged over "How are you?"

"I'm doing good. Isn't that right bud." Hiccup smiled to his black lab "Toothless has been a big help."

Astrid crouched down to pet the dog "Hey Toothless. He's a service dog, right?"

"He is. He got licensed as a service a few years ago, he alerts me if anything is about to happen to my tank."

"Okay." Astrid stood back up "Ready to see the movie?"

"I've been ready since Iron Man one. Of course I'm ready."

Hiccup, Astrid and Toothless headed towards the theater, Spider-Man: Far From Home was finally in their area

"Hi. Two tickets for Spiderman please?" Hiccup stood at the small ticket booth while Astrid got snacks and drinks

"Alright, here you go. That'll be eleven fifty." The man behind the counter handed two tickets to Hiccup

Hiccup got passed the change for the fifty he handed the man "Thank you. Have a nice day."

"You too." The man nodded before Hiccup walked over to Astrid, who was waiting with popcorn and drinks

Astrid handed Hiccup his drink "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be." Hiccup grabbed the ticket stubs and shoved them into his pocket


"That ending was insane!" Astrid yelled as they walked out of the theater

"Tell me about it. Peter really can't catch a break can he?" Hiccup agreed

"They better not kill off Happy. He's the only semi father figure- because of the thing with May- that Peter has left."

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