Swim Meet

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It was summer and during that time, a certain set of twins did weekly swim practice. Hiccup and Hope Haddock needed the practice because they lost their left legs only a few months ago. So this would be them get used to how to swim without another leg. Astrid, Heather, and Eret were on the water polo team that held games at that same pool.

"Okay, to be able to swim in your condition, you almost need to swim like a dolphin or mermaid." Their teacher, Mrs. Mala, then demonstrated said movement for us

"And she thinks it's gonna be a piece of cake for us?" Hiccup leaned over and whispered to his sister

"Well, she is the one with two legs and last time I checked, we didn't, so, maybe she needs glasses." Hope giggled while playing around with the case for hers

"Yeah, oh, hey, let's go" Hiccup gestured to Mrs. Mala since she finished

"See you on the other side?" Hiccup lowered himself into the water

"Always." Hope fist bumped him before getting in herself

The water polo game ended, Astrid, Heather, and Eret's team won, so they decided to go out for victory ice cream with their team since they finished a little earlier than the twins, Astrid sat in Hiccup's wheelchair while Eret sat in Hope's

"Very well done Haddocks, we will resume next week, have a nice weekend!" Mrs. Mala waved them goodbye as she went into the office

"Hey, that was some fine swimming there Hope, you'd make a good Olympic swimmer" Eret gave her her water bottle after she pulled herself up

"Thanks, Eret, but, I'm still practicing, and you know that I don't like competitive sports"

"I know, but what I'm saying is that you did great" He handed Hope her glasses


"So Hiccup, would you say your improving?" Astrid watched as he lifted his freckled body out of the water

"I'd say so, how was the game? Thanks?" Astrid handed him his water bottle and a towel

"We won, so our team is going out for victory ice cream, you two wanna come?" She looked at the both of them

"Nah, we promised Fishlegs we would head to the library after practice, maybe next time" Hope sat in her wheelchair

"Alright then, we will see you to later" Eret kissed Hope before walking to catch up with his team

"I'll see you later Astrid, have fun" Hiccup turned his wheelchair around

"See you later, bye" They kissed for a few seconds before she left to her team

"Well, someone looks like they have a strong relationship, huh?" Hope jokingly punched him

"Yeah, yeah" Hiccup watched Astrid exit the building

"Hurry up lover boy, Fishlegs has already texted me seven times and called you three times!" Hope called over her shoulder


And with that, they were off, for more practice, and to stop Fishlegs's panic attack

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